Father, Please Forgive Me

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I cut the kiss short and slip from his grip. I could clearly see the obvious frustration from Patrick but he let me walk away. I took a deep breathe as I collected myself and walked into the bedroom we shared and in the connected bathroom to prepared a bath to clear my mind.

I hummed closing my eyes as I sank into the warm water and let it soak my body. I can't let Patrick get to me like that but it's so hard to resist his touch. A single look from those demanding eyes and I become putty in his arms.

I closed my eyes to try and get some peace of mind and for a second it worked. My brain stopped buzzing with noise and worries and I actually felt relaxed. But that moment was cut short when I heard the door crack open.

Startled I opened my eyes to see Patrick leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. The black shirt he has on hugged his muscular figure tightly in such a mouthwatering way. I hate how much of an affect he has on me I can't control myself even after all he's done. What's wrong with me?

With lust filled eyes burning right through me he slowly made his way over to the tub and I stayed completely still. I waited with anticipation as he sat on the edge of the tub as close as possible. Not a single word from either of us our eyes stared deeply into each other's in search of anything. Patrick's hand reached into the water to caress my thighs catching me by surprise.

"Don't touch me." I spat out trying to sound disgusted by him but failed miserably.

"Are you sure, you're so touch starved look at the way your body reacts to me." He taunted ever so softly, just above a whisper so I could barely hear. He leaned over me not quite face to face, his lips teased mine by barely gracing against me. His hand that was under water came out and went into my hair. He gripped my hair and had me a whimpering mess.

"I haven't even done anything and you're begging me to defile you." He husked leaning down to leave a trail of open mouthed kisses on my neck. My breathing hitched, my chest rising and falling dramatically. Leaning back up his lips pressed against my own.

"You can hate me but kiss me." He then forces me into a lip bruising kiss. A moan slipped as I kissed his addicting lips back, not resisting temptation any longer. I crossed my thighs together feeling desperate for his fingers and tongue. Swiftly Patrick's hand slipped back into the water and between my thighs. Rubbing my clit softly making me a whining and whimpering mess at his mercy.

"You make such pretty sounds." Patrick pulled back from the kiss for a second before capturing my lips again. My legs opened wider for him and he fingers went over to play at the entrance of my needy hole. My hands reached up to cup his face and hold him close to me. Any sane thought telling me to stop disintegrated completely.

"Oh mmm." I gasped in pleasure when two fingers pumped inside me brutally with no warning. There was dominance in every pump. He then curled his finger sending sweet shivers of pleasure all over.

"Fuck." Patrick pulled away to breathe and stood up. Confused my brows knitted but then my mouth opened in surprise when Patrick lifted me up from the water.

Dripping or not he hurriedly grabbed a towel and walked towards the bed. The cold air sent goosebumps throughout my body. I was laid on the bed and Patrick didn't waste any time to undress himself. Shivering slightly from the chilling air and the anticipation as Patrick exposed his chest. I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't beat a little faster the second his prominent v-line graced my eyes.

He crawled over me and positioned himself at my entrance. I looked up at him silently pleading with my eyes that he wouldn't rip me in half. His eyes only burned into my soul as he forced his way into my tight walls. I moaned loving the sensation of his girth filling me up and stretching me. It's been so long I almost forgot what it felt like and I was asking myself why I had resisted him for so long. Swiftly his hips rammed into mine causing us both immense pleasure only I voiced loudly.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now