Girls Just Want To Have Fun

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I grew tired of the same old thing and closed my eyes. It didn't take long before I easily fell asleep.

Somehow accepting Patrick and our engagement has made things better. I feel better, like I can breathe and actually move on with my life.

Not sit around and cry over it, just make the best out of my situation. With that came trust. I feel like recently Patrick trusted me to do a lot of things like go out without really having to ask. I was up and running, everything back to "normal" in a sense. Today I'm actually visiting Patrick at work, I'm stopping by before meeting Sue for a drink in town.

The elevator was taking me to the floor Patrick's office was located. Walking by some nice people noticed me and smiled with a small nod.

"Hello Mrs. Bateman." A man greeted me upon seeing me. Bateman? I'm his fiancé yes but we're not married yet. Even then I haven't thought about changing my name, would Patrick force me to?

"Hello." I replied not recognizing him, is he a friend of Patrick? With a smile he went on his way, weird. I reached the desk but no one was on the other side.

I've never been here so I don't know where Patrick's office is located exactly. Waiting for a moment looking around I found no one in sight, the atmosphere was quiet. Listening closely I could hear two voices talking from afar.

Is that Patrick, it sort of sounds like him. Then there was laughter soon after followed by a door opening a few feet away. A blonde woman came out and took notice of my presence. She moved over to the desk and smiled.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She asked.

"Hi, I'm here to see Patrick." I replied with a gentle smile.

"Do you have an appointment?" She then asked looking back up. I didn't have time to respond when the door opened again.

"Jean my fiancé doesn't need an appointment to come see me." Patrick voiced with authority.

"Oh right, Ms. Downey I'm so sorry." Jean apologized upon realizing who I was.

"It's quite alright." I smiled and walked to Patrick's office.

"Hello my love." Patrick's smile grew. My greeting was cut short as he gave me a prominent kiss taking my breathe away. Fully stepping into his office he quickly closed the door and led me to his chair where he sat and pulled me to sit on his lap.

"What a wonderful surprise to have you visit me in the office." His hands drew circles on my bare upper thighs where my dress rose up. I turned sideways so I could see him better.

"I missed you." I looked up at him with soft, suggesting eyes.

"Aww sweetness." His thumb played with my bottom lip before pulling me in for another kiss. His tongue entered my mouth without a warning and danced with mine. The kiss grew heated and more intense by the second. I moved now straddling his lap. His hands squeezed my hips and ass, grunting in pleasure when I rubbed myself against his growing bulge. A knock on the door cut our messy make out session short.

"Are you fucking serious?" Patrick groaned in annoyance. I pulled my dress down and sat comfortably on his lap again. He wrapped an arm around me and I could feel his erection pocking me under. I quickly breathed out and composed myself, pulling up my dress to cover more of my cleavage.

"Come in." He called out to whoever was on the other side. Jean opened the door.

"Jean not a good time right now." Patrick said with an attitude.

"I'm sorry but Mr. Howard Oakes says it can't wait." The name rang familiar and alarming. Instantly my heart sank and started hammering in my chest, there was a ringing in my ear. Patrick sighed loudly before replying.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now