Blood Stained Skin

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Chris was breathing heavily as he looked over at what I had done, now wearing a startled expression. Patrick laid on the floor with shattered glass everywhere. I screamed at the sight of his own blood. Which was now all over in a rapidly growing puddle near his head.

"Do not move!" Chris pointed at me seeing that I was barefoot. He walked over to me and picked me up.

"Wait but Patrick!" I exclaimed seeing him passed out on the floor bleeding from his head.

"Hold on." Chris walked towards the kitchen setting me down on the counter. He was searching for something through the cabinets, meanwhile guilt and something inside me told me to go back and make sure Patrick is alright.

"Chris I have to check up on him." I said impatiently about to jump off the counter. He's bleeding out he surly can't be fine.

"I know but your hand." Running my hand under water to clean the bleeding cut, there was a light sting. More blood oozed out and but he dried it anyway. Moving quickly he bandaged my hand up tightly for it to stop the bleeding.

I looked over his face and saw his busted lip and bruised cheek. My other hand instinctively reached up to his face. He hissed moving away from my touch but he was now done wrapping my hand.

"What the hell was going on before I got here?" He asked, extremely concerned and worried as he looked up at me.

"I'll explain later I have to make sure he's okay." I jumped off the counter about to go back but Chris held me by my arm.

"There's glass everywhere and you don't have any shoes." He gave me the first aid kit to hold onto before he picked me up over his shoulder now making his way out of the kitchen.

I could see Patrick now in a pool of blood, still out cold sending me into a frenzy.

Chris let me down at the end of the stairs away from glass shards. He closed and locked the front door and bet down to pick up Patrick. My heart wrenched seeing his eyes closed, his arms flop lifelessly and the amount of blood that was running down his face sent panic over me.

"This way hurry." I led the way to the bedroom.

Chris placed him down on the bed and I quickly got a rag and went over to look for the source of bleeding. Seeing a nasty cut I applied pressure there making sure there was no glass in his hair. I checked his pulse, it was light but it was there. My breathing way heavy and I was shaking from the strong smell of iron. I could sense myself coming weak so I sat down placing Patrick's head on my lap.

"What if he's not okay." I asked worried at what I had down. I just panicked at the thought of Patrick hurting Chris and without thinking I had to stop him.

"He is out cold." Chris also looked over Patrick now worried himself. I looked down at Patrick now seeing his own bleeding lip and a cut on his brow. I tended to his small cuts and wiped the blood from the side of his head and face.

"Why were you crying and why did he have a knife?" Chris asked grasping my attention. He was tending to his own lip, a wet cloth on his injured lip.

I thought about it for a second, I can't do that to him. If he knows the truth he'll never let me stay with Patrick. Worse he'll tell everyone, I can't let that happen. I can't put everyone's life in danger because of me. Look at what happened to Brandon, that will haunt me for the rest of my life. I can't possibly risk loosing Chris, not my Chris.

"I was having a bad panic attack and Patrick was helping me through it until he heard you knocking on the door, it sounded really aggressive and he got a knife in case he needed to use it on an intruder." I replied looking back down at Patrick laying lifelessly. My free hand laid on his cheek, my thumb caressing it like he would do to mine.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now