Blissful Torture

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"Okay." He smiled. I got out of the car and walked up to the door, Chris did not drive off until he saw me get in the house safely.

I opened the door to the house and it was pitch black, it was almost two in the morning. I can't see anything as I walked in careful not to bump into a wall. I walked into the living room area and before I got there I saw a very dim light coming from the corner across the room.

My vision adjusted to the darkness and I saw Patrick sitting in a chair with a drink, most noticeably, his drink of choice whiskey in his hand.

He looks calm from here which somehow makes him look ten times scarier. Patrick is already staring me down and he had most likely been waiting for me to get back but doesn't say a thing and doesn't move.

I stand nervously still in silence as he downs the whole drink in one gulp before he stands up. Still Patrick does not say a word as he continues to stare me down with cold, calculating eyes. A cold shiver runs down my back sending goosebumps everywhere. I'm used to being terrified of that man but this time the atmosphere feels sickeningly different.

He takes a long drag from his cigarette before blowing a cloud of smoke. He wore his famous white button up that happen to be fully unbuttoned, exposing his muscular chest.

"Hey babe, I thought you'd be asleep by now." I broke the silence with a soft voice desperately hoping to sweeten him up, scared of facing any sort of punishment.

"Babe?" Patrick simply chuckled eerily, but his lips never formed a smile. Slowly he walked his way over to me, inching closer with every step my body reacted, yet I managed to stand still.

"That's a first, why are you being so sweet to me now huh, where's that attitude now?" He husked out causing my heart to skip a beat in fright, I'm definitely screwed.

"I think you're forgetting who you belong to doll." I think seeing him this calm is even more frightening than seeing him lash out. He's like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

"I-." Patrick was quick to shut me up.

"You don't get to speak." He spoke sternly, dominance laced his voice beautifully.

"Strip." He ordered.

"What?" I was taken aback by his boldness, but at the same time I sort of expected it.

"I don't like repeating myself." Was his cold reply, his mean stare was dead serious. I knew better than to go against him, now I have to pay the price. I managed to move my hands and eventually got my dress off. The bone chilling stare I got hurried me to take the rest of my clothes off completely.

Now I stood standing bare in front of him as he smoked his cigarette. His possessive eyes traveled over every curve.

"Get on your knees." His voice ordered. I did as I was told and looked up at him through my long lashes. His lips held onto the cigarette while his hands trailed down to his belt.

Unbuckling his belt, he unzipped his pants and they went down along with his underwear. His cock sprung out all tall and needy. I remember him being big but being this close to it made me close my legs tightly.

"Open." With one word my mouth was wide open and ready for him. I sucked on his tip and got a hiss in return. His hand gripped my hair not caring if he hurt me or not. He pushed himself all the way in my mouth not wasting time. I gagged taking him fully, my throat hurt but I tried to breathe through my nose. The tip of my nose brushed against his lower stomach. I sucked him bopping my head back and forth finding and getting used to the rhythm. I looked up at him and saw him looking down at me to which he blew out another huge cloud of smoke.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now