Operation: Flower

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All while Cassio is peacefully sleeping on the other side of the bed. Bastard.

For the most part today I had just been hiding out in the balcony of the house staring out into the abyss. I have been for the past few days.

The first thing I do when I wake up every morning is dash to the shower to get as clean as I possibly can. I don't eat much and I spend my hours out here observing the surroundings land. Sitting on the lounge chair and even so unexpectedly with not a single thought.

Hours slipped by and the void in my chest grew bigger, deeper. I stood still, not a feeling or thought. I'd do anything to keep from thinking or replying memories of what happened.

There was a type of emptiness I've never experienced in my life. Very... soulless. And that settled a frightening mystery looming around that I was not ready to figure out.

I haven't seen or heard from Cassio since the night it happened. The least he could do now is give me my space. I've been hiding, roaming the halls of the empty, dark mansion like a ghost. Numb and angry all at the same time. Wondering when and if I'll ever get to leave this place and return home.

Home. How my soul longes to be home. To be safe.

Funny I'd do anything at this point to be with Patrick. Even though when I was with Patrick it felt as though my life was being sucked away. Somehow this is worse, I thought it was bad before.

The house was eerily quiet today so I feel it's safe to peek out and grab a quick snack. Managing to stand I carefully looked out making sure the coast was clear before fully stepping out of the room and walked silently down the long path.

I seemed to be keeping a look out but my mind was clouded when a man came from no where and I crashed into his chest, now standing right in front of me. With a startled yelp I tried to step back but he shushed me. Panic set in real quick.

"Your father wants to talk to you don't let Cassio find out." The mysterious man who I've never seen a day in my life before swiftly places a phone in my hand before disappearing just as fast as he popped out. Looking down at my hand for a second I saw the phone and I looked back up to see him no where in sight.

I practically ran back to the safe room and locked the door behind me. My blood pumped with adrenaline and my breathing getting heavier I quickly looked through the contact numbers. There was none except for one, one I don't recognize.

I called the only number registered and waited for an answer. Anticipation swirls by, is this really happening right now? This isn't some sick joke Cassio is playing right? Two rings go by and the line is answered by the third.

"Hello?" My father's voice nearly brought tears to my eyes. My body now shaking with hope.

"Dad?" My voice came out as a mere whisper of disbelief, hoarse and shaky finally speaking for the first time in a long time.

"Thank god Y/n are you okay?" He sounded so full of relief. There was a slight pause when my heart leaped out just thinking of why I wasn't okay at all.

"Y/n listen very carefully to what I have to say flower we don't have much time." Dad then voiced with clear urgency capturing all of my attention.

"Charles the guy who handed you the phone is going to give you a gun later tonight, at exactly two o'clock tomorrow I need for you and Susan to get out from the back of the house and run, 50 miles North there is going to be a helicopter there ready to pick the two of you up." He spewed out information quickly all of which I was grasping onto. My heart kept thumping out but I didn't have it distract me.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now