You'll Be My Ruin

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"Hey Y/n, darling, Y/n!" Fuzzy and out of focus, his voice sounded far, far away even though I know he's right beside me. That's the last thing I hear before everything goes dark, completely black.

Slowly my eyes fluttered, the blurriness clearing up within seconds to see a white ceiling but the sleepy haze over me was still very present. I groaned softly trying to stretch my muscles but I didn't have the strength to.

"Hey darling." Patrick rushed to my side holding himself up on the bed, that's when I noticed the hospital bed and my surroundings.

My lower half feels sore but it's a dull feeling. I breathe out trying to remember what happened before everything went black. Patrick moved strands of hair out of my face which brought me out of my thoughts.

"How are you feeling doll?" His other hand gently held my hand up to his lips to kiss. How am I feeling?

"Tired." I said just above a whisper my throat feeling dry. I closed my eyes for a moment feeling slightly dizzy.

"It's okay, you're okay and that's all that matters." Patrick then kissed my forehead. What happened?

"What happened?" My voice a bit raspy I cleared my throat in attempt to get rid of the ache.

"You don't remember?" He asked with knitted brows. Suddenly all my memory flooded my mind.

"I do but what was that, am I okay?" I asked opening my eyes to look up at Patrick. He looked concerned and nervous a combination I haven't seen him express before but there was a knock on the door before he could respond.

I looked over to see a doctor looking in to make sure it was a good time to come in. His lips formed a thin line and walked in, Patrick then reached for my hand and squeezed it tight.

"I see you're up hello I'm doctor Winston, how are you feeling Ms. Downey?" He asked looking over me concerned, then down at his clipboard and then the machine besides the bed.

"Alright I guess." I replied softly, nervously waiting to hear what he has to say about my health.

"Do you know what happened to you Ms. Downey, are you aware what you went through before passing out?" He asked now with a more serious expression scaring me further.

"No." I peeped out nervously before biting my lower lip, squeezing Patrick's hand in return.

"Ms. Downey-."

"Mrs. Bateman." Doctor Winston began but was interrupted by Patrick. Surprising me and so was doctor Winston he continued.

"Mrs. Bateman... you had a miscarriage." The room went silent or my mind blocked everything off. The ringing in my ear returned and I felt my heart break into a million pieces. Very confused on how to feel, miscarriage? All my strength left my body and I loosened my grip on Patrick's hand.

I was pregnant?


With a baby?

My baby?

My world stopped, shock and sadness overwhelmed my body so much so that I started shaking. And suddenly my mind finally went... quiet. There was talking but it was all muffled to my ears. I stared into space trying to process the words that were said. I was pregnant and I didn't even know.

"Given both of your reactions I see this news was unexpected as was you being pregnant Mrs. Bateman, I'm very sorry for your loss, I'll give you two some privacy before checking back in." Doctor Winston nodded and exited the room closing the door.

Then there was silence.

"Did he just say I was pregnant?" I spoke softly as if I was afraid of my own voice. Speaking it almost cracked the realization and a single tear escaped from my eye.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now