Stranger Danger

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I laid in bed after I changed into something more comfortable and waited for Patrick to get back. But before I got to see him walk through the door my eyes became heavier in the dark. The weight of the blanket comforted me to rest my mind for the night.

The sunlight shining into the room woke me. I hummed with content and stretched my body out. That's when I felt Patrick's arm resting over my hip, so I rolled over to face him.

He was still fast asleep, he looked so peaceful and at ease. His hair draped over his forehead, out of its neatly styled way. Patrick would call it a mess but it looks effortlessly pretty. My fingers gravitated towards it without thought and tangled with his soft locks. How late had he come home that he's still sleeping?

Moments later he shifted and then blinked his eyes open, and for a split second he smiled sweetly as he looked up at me.

"Morning." The smile left his lips and was replaced by an arrogant smirk. Patrick got closer and pulled me into his chest, his arm still in place.

"What was so important that you were gone all damn day and didn't come back until who knows what time?" I was surprised at the tone in my voice, I was more than annoyed about being locked away all day.

"Aww did you miss me darling?" The taunting in his raspy voice and the arrogance of his smirk grew my irritation.

"I told you I was taking care of some stuff." Was all he said dismissing my question.

"I want to know why I'm here when all I'm doing is sitting in this room like a prisoner." I couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer.

"Well since you did such a wonderful job being a whore the second I left you, I can't leave you alone anymore now can I?" Irritation was crystal clear in his voice but I felt like pushing his buttons.

"Patrick." I whined, rolling my eyes.

"Roll your eyes again and I'll bend you over." The sharpness of his tone froze me in place and halted my breathe. It was quiet for some time before he spoke again.

"Aside from taking care of business today, we're going out tonight so I expect you to be dolled up and pretty by the time I get back." Patrick got up from bed and headed for the bathroom. Being too mentally drained to talk back or refuse I stayed in bed and let out a heavy sigh.

I heard the water running and I turned to admire the morning view I got out the balcony glass doors. So much beauty to explore and I was stuck inside with Patrick. What has become of my life? What's stopping me from asking my father for help?

Time seemed to pass around me as I laid in bed drained of any energy even after I slept. Patrick was fixing his tie in the mirror when his eyes caught mine.

"Quit pouting, come on you have to eat." Walking over to the bed, Patrick's had came down to smack my ass softly. Or softer than usual. I only groaned and closed my eyes in protest which was probably not the best idea.

"Are you still tired didn't you get enough sleep last night?" I felt his large hand caress my bare thigh and sneak under the thin layer of the short, silky night dress I wore. He squeezed my hip and rested his hand on my waist.

"You drain me of any energy I have." I want to sleep, that's my only escape from this nightmare. I was shocked to hear Patrick laughing lightly.

"I'll have someone bring breakfast up for you and remember to get nice and pretty for me before six alright?" His voice was much softer now and I mumbled a yes. He placed a kiss on my forehead before I heard him walk away and the door close behind him. It didn't take much for me to slip back into a deep sleep.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now