Piercing Eyes

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I'll be seeing you very soon.

"Sebastian is such a romantic and is great in bed but Jason is just another type of amazing in the bedroom." I walked besides Susan as she told me about her active sex life.

"He just knows all the right places to make me shiver and he's a bit rough, its so hot and dirty, passionate I can't give that up." She looked over at me with hopeless eyes, her pout remained as she struggled to choose between the two sexy men waiting at her feet.

"Then just let Sebastian down easy." I shrugged as we made our way inside another dress store.

"But Sebastian he's such a sweetheart and the little things he does just melts my heart, he's also an amazing cook." I listened to my distressed friend as my eyes admired a short, satin purple dress.

Something about a silky or satin dress that hugged my soft curves perfectly makes me feel so good.

"That would look so gorgeous on you, what do you think I should do?" She bit her lip anxiously.

"Do you have to choose?" My question only spread confusion on her features.

"You're seeing both of them why not stay seeing both of them?" I took the dress out of the hanger, it's mine now.

"Ouu look at this blue one, do you really think I should keep that going?" Sue asked as she looked over a blue dress, the same shade of her blue eyes.

Susan was the opposite of me in some ways, she had blonde hair and blue eyes. Most men were attracted to her and showed it which is why her love life has always been busy.

Mine on the other hand is nonexistent. She's very outgoing and extroverted, I'm pretty shy and am more than happy to stay home with a good book.

"If its working I don't see why not." I moved to look at more dresses.

"I guess, so what about you?" She asked.

"What about me?" My brows knitted.

"Any man happen to come along while I was gone?" Patrick instantly came to mind at her words. It feels like in a way Patrick was always a lingering thought ever since I laid my eyes on the handsome, mysterious man.

"If there was you would know." I shrugged the thought of telling her, I've only exchanged words with him once. I don't know the man.

"Come on." Her scoff forced me to look back at her.

"Boring and lonely as always." I shrugged before heading to the cash register.

"Oh cut yourself some slack you need to give yourself credit, you're such a babe and such a lady its cute really, saving yourself for your future hubby." Her words instantly made me feel better about myself, I love her.

"Thank you." I paid for the dress and waited for her.

"I mean it Y/n I know I'm not the only one that notices all the looks and compliments you get, you just have high standards as you should and you shouldn't lower them for anyone, you're waiting for the one." With another bag to carry we walked out of the store.

"And how is that working for me?" I looked around for out next shop.

"Stop that, you're going to find the perfect man for you real soon, I feel it and he'll be everything you want him to be and more, straight out of your dreams, sexy and charming not to think an animal in bed." Sue tried to make me feel better about my nonexistent love life.

"That sounds nice." I replied. It sounds like a fantasy, a dream. But hey a girl can dream. The way she described this 'perfect man' brought Patrick to mind once again.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now