No Easy Love

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"I've been starving since last night." Not wasting time he lifted my skirt and ripped my panties. I didn't have time to register that my underwear was ripped to shreds because Patrick buried his face between my legs.

Shamelessly I let out the sluttiest moan I think that's ever came out of my mouth. Looking down at Patrick eating me out like a starved man was one of the hottest things I've ever witnessed. I became a moaning mess, opening my legs wider to give him better access.

I'm only slightly aware that anyone walking by could hear us even through the door but my mind was buzzing with the pleasure Patrick was causing me with every rough lick of his tongue on my aching clit. Not caring to ruin his neatly styled hair I ran my fingers through his hair, gripping and pulling his face closer to me if it was even possible.

Rocking my hips on his face I earned a growl of approval and his fingers dug into my ass pushing me to him. My knees buckled as he tongue fucked me into oblivion and I failed miserably at keeping my whiney mewls at a minimum.

"I'm gonna-." I gasp cut off my words as his tongue switched to a hypnotic eight motion on my sensitive clit. A couple more seconds of this delicious torture and I shook cumming on his face. Pat didn't stop his movements even as I rode off my high. Whimpering as I tried to close my legs around his head he finally gave up and stood up to capture me in his arms before I gave out.

"Better?" He husked out observing me carefully.

"Better." I reassured breathlessly, what was I feeling better about again?

"Good because we're not done." Still dazed with satisfaction I missed when he unbuckled his belt and his hard cock escaped its tight prison.

"Be a good girl take what I give you." I yelped at the sudden intrusion of his thick head entering me, still I looked up at Patrick with starry eyes as he completely stretched and filled me almost painfully.

"So tight." He grunts standing still basking in the feeling of him fully inside me. Lifting my leg up to his hip for a better angle, he starts to thrust into me with slow but hard strokes.

"Patrick." A breathless beg. Snaking my arms around his neck I pull him to me to connect our lips. It was hot and messy to say the least but I loved every second of it, he was the only man I had ever been comfortable enough to explore such filthy acts. Correction Patrick has been the only man I'd willingly have sex with.

"Oh fuck!" I cried out, Patrick changed his rhythm fucking me rough and fast. My eyes rolled back, with every thrust he hit that blinding spot making me see stars.

"Fuck." He grunts into my neck burying his face. As fucked up as this sounds I missed this, he knows just what to do to make me crumble. He knows my body better than me, and uses it against me every damn time.

"If my dad ever finds out." I didn't even dare finish the sentence. Blinded by pleasure left room to be loud and messy, leaving anyone wondering by more than an earful of skin slapping and vocal reactions.

"I don't give a damn, you are mine to do as I please and I've just decided I want to marry you as soon as possible." The mention of marriage caught me completely off guard but it also turned me on. The thought of being married to him terrified me over three months ago, now the sound of being his wife filled my chest with a warmth so new to me it hurt.

"Does that turn you on, the thought of being my wife, don't lie to me I can feel just how soaked you got, fuck baby you're practically drowning my cock." His hips bucked wildly into mine even faster causing me to open wider for him. His words brought me closer to my release that I felt creeping closer. I'm not going to last much longer if he continues such blissful mind numbing pounding.

"Look how mindless and dumb cock makes you, you love it don't you my little slut." I cried out moaning looking up at his intense stare with hooded eyes. Deep down I was always a slut for his dirty words and I'm not ashamed to admit that at least to him.

I tightened around his thick, pulsing dick feeling the familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach I did when my orgasm was near. Clawing at his muscular back I pulled him up against me leaving no room between us.

"Come on baby cum." Patrick moaned in my ear and that was enough to send me over the edge. He was quick to follow after, filling me up. A mixture of both of us slowly sliding down my inner thigh. Panting trying to get my breath at a normal rate I dwelled in the feeling of being in his arms for as long as I could before we had to walk out and pretend like we didn't just have sex in a random closet at my dad's building.

"I have to get back in time for that stupid meeting." Patrick rolls his eyes in annoyance, and a pout fell to my lips.

"Don't worry when I get home I'm all yours." With another bruising kiss I miss as soon as his lips leave mine he pulls out racking a shiver down my spine at the raw sensation. Since I've been back home Patrick and I don't have sex as often as we used to but sneaking away from everyone to have sex sparked a rush of adrenaline flowing through my veins.

Fumbling about to clean off, fix clothing and hair made me let out a small fit of laughter. Confused and mild amusement glistening in his eyes, Patrick cracks a smile as he does his belt.

"What's gotten into you?" His pretty eyes sparkled, a rare sight indeed and I took it all in.

"You." I replied trying to keep the smugness out of my voice but failed. His brow raised and mischief gleamed in his dark browns.

"Oh." His laugh filed the small room. Another rare sound but I tried to memorize the deep sound that vibrated deep in his chest.

"Feeling bold now, keep the attitude up and I'll bend you over and make everyone wait." He wore an evil smirk that dared me to step out of line simply for his sadistic pleasure of punishing me.

Biting my lip I shook my head softly, and he laughed pulling me flush against his chest. The thought of him bending me over made me ache but we were already risking being heard.

"Not so bratty anymore." His grin made it all that much harder not to toy with him. What he doesn't know about me is that my father is very much responsible for spoiling me and turning me into a brat.

"Don't tease me or you're going to be late." I practically clinged to him becoming overwhelmed with vulnerability and old feelings that frightened me upon their resurface. I don't want to go back to feeling small and defenseless filled up with anxiety. Patrick provided me with a protective shield even though he was once the main source for my frightened state. 

Like always Patrick was quick to read my unusual clingy self like a page with detailed words of my inner monologue and his expression softened.

"Let's get your dad that folder and do not leave his side I'll go get you when this stupid meeting is over." He reassured with a small smile and kind eyes.  My heart swelled with warmth and my stomach fluttered with butterflies. Goodness, I was acting like a schoolgirl with a huge crush.

"Okay." My own smile grew as he leaned down to reach my lips once more for a longer lasting kiss. He fixed my top all around me than opened the door, luckily there was no one in sight and we quickly made our way out.

Trying not to bring attention to ourselves we ran down the halls hand in hand, hiding behind walls when we saw someone pass by. Entering the more crowded floors I lead us right to dad's office.

"About time I thought you got lost- Patrick?" Chris's face was pure confusion as he took the man besides me in.

"And here I thought I was going to get to see my daughter without having to seeing you." Dad's tone oozed with sarcasm but I noted the corners of his lips lifted the tiniest bit. Nowadays he seems to tolerate Patrick whereas before he couldn't stand the sight of him.

"Always a pleasure Robert." Patrick's smile held amusement, even smug to show up at his office with me at his side. Gotta love these two.


Short chapter but I wanted to post. Hope you are all doing well, enjoy!

Btw, if you have any questions at any time, feel free to ask in the comments.

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Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now