Silly Little Girl

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No words can describe how scared for my life I am as I looked up to see it was Pierre holding his hand out for me.

"We don't have all night and I don't want to use force." Pierre's voice broke me of my frozen fear. I got out of the car but didn't touch his hand, I feel so betrayed.

"Come on out Susan." He ordered and Sue was quick to follow standing close beside me. Observing my surroundings and bone chilling shiver ran down my spine. There were men, a lot of them a few feet away holding big guns. I tried my best to keep it together but on the inside I was scared to death. A man moved forward with what looked like two pillow cases.

Without a warning Pierre took one and placed it over my head, I let out a yelp in surprise. I'm assuming he did the same to Susan and then a hand grabbed my arm, pulling me forward. Keeping up with his fast pace I grunted softly at his tight grip on my arm, he was practically dragging me along.

I could hear multiple footsteps ahead and behind. What sounded like a car door was opened and I was shoved forward my legs hitting the car. I groaned in pain on contact.

"So sorry signorina, get in." Pierre ordered, without seeing I felt around to get into the vehicle. More people got in but I could sense Susan sat to my left. I breathed out trying to calm myself but I don't think that's possible at the moment. We're being taken to God knows where for God knows what.

The car drove off and my heart dropped once more. Dear God where are we going? What did I do to deserve this? So many questions ran through my mind ultimately hurting my head. My poor heart continued to hammer in my chest I broke out in a cold sweat, my body still shaking.

I then felt a hand caress my bare thigh scaring me stiff. My stomach dropped feeling my skin crawl. I became a bundle of nerves, my breath became bated and I wanted to break out in tears.

"Aye what did the boss say idiot." Pierre's harsh voice broke out making my body flinch. The hand moved away from my thigh and I let out a huge breath. A laugh soon followed, Pierre was laughing what an asshole.

I should really stop trusting good looking men who pretend to be very kind because clearly there's no such thing. Only this time it's more frightening.

Hours or minutes passed us I couldn't tell you which of the two it was, it felt like forever before the vehicle came to a halt.

There was noise of movement and then someone who I'm guessing is Pierre grabbed my hands. He was tying them with some sort of soft fabric tightly. I was escorted to get out without stumbling and his iron grip on my arm continued. My feet ached yearning to take off my heels.

I stumbled a bit keeping up with Pierre's fast pace and I could sense we had entered a building. The bright light managed to seep through my face covering. Passing halls and rooms, even down a few steps eventually I was pushed to sit down on a chair my hands tied behind.

The pillow cases preventing us from seeing were then removed in a dash. I closed my eyes blocking the bright light from hurting. Slowly I blinked my eyes getting them used to the light after being in the dark for a long time. I looked up to see Pierre talking to a few armed men in Italian.

I've always wanted to learn Italian I was regretting not getting on it faster so I could understand what was being said. I turned to see a frightened Susan at my side.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now