Sweet Seduction

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"Crying again?" Patrick stood at the entrance with crossed arms, he had changed into sweats and a white t-shirt that hugged his muscular form perfectly.

"I want to go home." I cried hugging my legs to my chest with the blanket.

"No Y/n, you're not doing this again I already told you you're not leaving." His voice stayed the same calm tone but his eyes dared me to say another word. I got up and kneeled in front of him, I grabbed his hand and literally begged him out of desperation.

"Please Patrick I'll do anything please just let me go home." I begged, looking up at him. I probably look like a total mess from crying all day.

For a second I thought he almost felt sorry for me as he tilted his head to look down at me with knitted brows and a slight frown.

"You're so pretty when you beg." Was his sadistic reply

"Please, daddy is going to be looking for me." I threatened him, reminding him of what my father is capable of. My dad is not the type of person you want to piss off or mess with his family especially his precious daughter.

"Alright just shut up before I bend you over my lap and spank your ass cherry red!" He yelled, spit flew out of his mouth in the process. He rubbed his temples growing annoyed. The thought of me over his lap as he spanked me shamefully aroused me and disturbed me greatly. His words left my core aching for his touch, how could I think this way even after what he did.

"You're mine from now on, I own you and everyone is going to know it including your dear father and if you ever go against me there will be consequences." Patrick gritted through his teeth in a bone chilling fury as he pulled me up, off my knees.

"You will do as I say and if you try to get anyone to help you, let's just say there's going to be hell to pay doll." His psychotic smile returned.

"My father would kill you if he found out." Tears were still falling from my eyes slowly. Father would be furious and wouldn't hesitate to help me.

"No if he gets involved them I'm the one that's going to have to kill your father!" He sneered, yelling in my face. I flinched, closing my eyes, my back up against the wall. Murder, there's no way Patrick is capable of going that far but if he is, killing my father is not a chance I'm going to give him.

"Do you understand?" He gritted, his face a bright red and eyes wild with crazed violence.

"Y-yes." I barely managed to get out in a trembling voice.

"Good." He smiled almost in a normal manner before stealing another kiss from my lips forcefully.

"Now get over here, I want to fuck you." He said bluntly, grabbing my arm in a tight grip. It hurt but I was afraid to make a sound or complain.

I was practically thrown on the bed and he ripped his shirt off my body. He got undressed in the blink of an eye than crawled over me. Patrick barely gave my sore cunt anytime to adjust to his big size after he thrusted into me without any warning causing us both to gasp. His was in pleasure but mine was out of pain and the suddenness. He kept thrusting in and out of me brutally, Patrick was groaning and moaning into my ear loving every second of it. I didn't so much this time.

"Patrick you're hurting me, ugh it's hurts." My nails clawed at his strong shoulders and back just to cause him any sort of pain, but he liked it. He was so much deeper than yesterday and it felt like his cock was splitting me apart with each powerful thrust and the speed he was pounding into me.

"Awe it hurts." He pouted, taunting my pain.

"Shut up and take it." He snapped back, degrading me.

"Fuck your pussy is so fucking amazing." He grunted bluntly. His comment caused my cheeks to burn flaming red. Now the pain was slowly turning into pleasure with every thrust and it took over me like lightning. Now the sensation of my tight cunt swallowing his length became addicting as he continued to treat me like a slut.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now