Daddy Dearest

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I'm genuinely going to enjoy myself tonight.

"May I use your bathroom?" Patrick asked suddenly.

"Sure Y/n why don't you show him the way?" Mom replied.

Leading the way towards the bathroom up the stairs I felt his hand graze my exposed thigh earning a small gasp in reply. A smirk happily formed on his lips and just before we passed my room he pulled me in by the waist and shoved us inside.

"Oh." Surprised I held onto me for balance. Without a word Patrick crashed his lips onto mine and held me tightly.

"On your knees." He husked out between kisses. Stunned I went to obey but he moved us over to my bed, getting the hint I got in position as he fumbled to unbuckle his belt.

I got on all fours and arched my back giving him access to whatever he wanted. His hands lifted my dress and removed my panties completely, my core heated with anticipation as I felt his breathe on my pussy. He gave me a long lick from behind causing a moan to slip from my lips, Patrick then gave my pussy a kiss further arousing me and stood back up.

Swiftly his dick lathered itself in my juices and positioned against my entrance. His head expanded my tight walls and then thrusted into me from behind. In this position he managed to go deeper and hit just the right spot to make me cry out in bliss. Balls deep inside me he hushed me, his hand slithered over to cover my mouth.

"You don't want your daddy dearest to hear you moaning while I fuck you do you?" Patrick teased as his hips slammed against my ass with every thrust.

"We don't want him to know what a slut his little angel really is do we?" He was enjoying taunting me as he fucked me so good it was so hard to keep quiet. I did everything I could to be silent as his cock slammed in and out of me so deliciously, I clawed at the comforter but still I quietly let out muffled moans against Patrick's hand.

I cried out softly, desperately trying to stay quiet as Patrick rammed into me from behind. Even with the door locked I still feared my parents hearing anything downstairs, even though it was quite impossible because of the distance. Patrick pounded into me even harder making my eyes roll to the back of my head and whimper against his hand. It got harder to breathe as his cock had no mercy on me.

"So good and only for me." Patrick groaned by my ear, earning a muffled moan from me. His dirty words always left me wanting more, and left me a tingling mess.

"You like that, you like that you only belong to me?" Not really but right now I couldn't help but become a slave to the delicious friction of his length fucking me so good.

"Such a good girl, you take my cock so well." His praise made my brain go completely numb and lit my body to flames. Clenching around his girth made my knees weak.

"Mmm." I took what he gave me and closed my eyes in pure bliss. My orgasm was quickly approaching and by hearing Patrick's breathing get ragged I could tell he was also close. With a few more thrusts it was enough for me to cum and hear Patrick cuss, his body shuddered as he shot his load deep inside me.

He slipped out and his hand left my mouth, I stood on my shaky legs and headed towards the bathroom to clean myself up. Fixing my clothes and my hair I quickly put myself together before heading back downstairs. I went back into my room to look for my panties, as I leaned down to pick them up Patrick beat me to it.

"I'll hold onto these." An arrogant smirk took over his features as he stuffed them into his coat pocket. A blush spread over my cheeks at the thought of going downstairs without panties. A feeling of shame and embarrassment was soon to settle in after realizing my parents were waiting for us downstairs. I hope we didn't have them waiting too long to have them questioning our absence.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now