Beautiful Danger

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"Goodnight Patrick." I yawned. Exhausted from the eventful day, lulled in Patrick's warmth and soft breaths, it didn't take time before sleep consumed me.


She had fallen asleep, now was the time.

I took a minute to admire her, the sleeping beauty that laid peacefully, tangled in my sheets.

The back of my finger gently gazed her soft cheek, then her cherry tainted, plump lips. I gripped my knife... I wanted to do this slowly, painfully so I could see the pain and suffering on her beautiful face.

Standing by the side of the bed she slept on, I slowly raise the knife right above her chest. That rose with every soft breathe she took, right where I wanted to stab. I stood over her but the time never came.

I can't do it.

Seconds go by and I couldn't bring myself to lower the knife and pierce the delicate skin of her flat stomach.

I do this like nothing, without feeling a thing so why now, why is it so difficult to harm her, slash her soft skin. The sharp blade of the knife is now centimeters away from her bruised neck and even then I can't do it.

I put the knife down on the beside table and go down on my knees. Without thinking the back of my finger caresses her cheek. She stirred in her sleep slightly, making a small noise.

I have to do it, then my desire would be fulfilled and the desire for her will go away.

But I can't.


If I can't kill her, let alone see the smallest bruise or cut on her creamy skin, than I'm still going to have just as much fun corrupting every part of her.

I'm still going to have fun torturing her little innocent mind, marking her body as mine.

I decided to sleep for the night, with her close to my chest. And oddly, I liked the feeling of her naked body sleeping on mine. Her head laying down on my chest and my arms holding her tightly, close.


When I woke up she was still sleeping, I guess I really did wore her out last night. I found it so cute and strange that she'd never had sex before and how nervous she was last night.

I'm the only man that's ever touched her that way and the only one that will ever get to.

She really was pure, was. That all ended when she met me. Looking down at her sleeping form, I can't deny that she truly is beautiful. Right then is when I made the impulsive decision that I want to have her all for myself.


I shifted in bed before opening my eyes. I was about to move my arm because it felt heavy and my wrist felt sore but when I did I felt some restraint. Confused I tried to sit up but failed miserably as my lower half throbbed in pain. I winched and moaned in pain at the sudden movement.

"Not so fast doll." Patrick's voice startled me into looking up at him, he was still naked and made his way over to the bed. There he is I smiled, a blush spread on my face from seeing his naked torso.

Only a towel covered his lower half, water droplets dripping from his hair and rolled down his chest and propionate v-line. Perfect, mouthwatering toned and muscular built form.

"Are you sore baby." His lips formed a fake sympathetic pout but something felt off, wrong almost. My heart quickened but not in a good way, what is going on?

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now