Chaos in the Night

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"No." I mumbled not wanting him to touch me. My vision was blurred and everything went black. Darkness consumed me and my body fell limp.

I ran, I can't see much but my legs were moving fast enough. My adrenaline was at an all time high, I don't know what I'm scared of or what I'm running from but my mind screamed at me to run. My lungs and legs burned but there was no turning back, I ran through the endless, dark hall. Why was it so dark?

"Y/n!" I heard a faint cry from afar. I stopped dead in my tracks. That voice sounds very familiar. My heart skipped a beat in fright.

That's my dad.

"Daddy!" I yelled looking around squinting my eyes to try and see anything down this endless tunnel of darkness.

"Y/n!" There it is again. He's crying for help. My legs began to run towards the direction his voice led me and it eventually led me to an old looking garage that looked suspiciously familiar.

"Dad!" I called out for him. I turned to see my father tied to a chair, screaming for my help. My breathing stopped and my nervous system went haywire. No, no this can't be happening.

"Daddy!" I yelled and sprinted to untie him.

"I don't think you want to do that." I stopped in my tracks hearing Patrick's sharp voice. I looked over to see him standing a few feet away, he held onto a gun tightly.

"What are you doing?" I asked cautiously scared of his next move.

"What do you think you're doing here doll?" He disregarded my question with a laugh and sarcastic smile. His eyes showing no real signs of being happy.

"What do you think you're doing bastard?" I replied in return keeping my eyes on his hand wearily for any sudden moment.

"Bastard?" He scoffed cocking his head to the side.

"Isn't that what you are, sick." I spat with hatred evident in my voice. He better not hurt my father or I will do everything I can to cause him the most excruciating pain he's ever felt in his whole life. It didn't matter if I died trying at this point.

"Sick?" Was the only thing he replied and stood silently thinking over what I have said.

"You're a sick bastard." I said my chest rising and falling at an alarming rate now scared for my own life.

"Keep talking doll face, see what that gets you." He challenged, eyes turning a shade darker.

"I wish I never met you, I wish I never laid eyes on you, curse the day I met you Patrick." I gritted in spite feeling my rage boil over, finally having enough. Killing Patrick to save innocent lives in the end would be a good deed wouldn't it?

"Is that so?" He asked softly.

"Aww darling you're hurting my feelings, I thought we were in love." He faked a frown and laid his gun holding hand over his heart, clutching his chest. My breathing still heavy I looked over at my dad who was both confused and terrified.

"Oops." The horrifying sound of the gun being fired rang in my ears and I screamed, fearing the worst. I looked up a saw my father in a pool of blood. I screamed at the top of my lungs seeing what Patrick had down.

I jolted awake sweat drenching my short sleeping gown and both my breathing and heart rate going a thousand miles per hour. I looked around horrified by the mental image of my father in a pool of blood.

"Shh it's okay." I flinched hearing Patrick besides me. Where am I? I looked around to see I was in a strange bed. This is definitely not Patrick's apartment. I looked down to see I was wearing my nightgown. When did I change?

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now