Ghosts Passed

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Throughout the night Patrick helped Y/n with her hair whenever she throw up the remains of her night out. He had no problem holding her when she woke up randomly and started crying her heart out. She too did not know the love Patrick held for her.

And she was about to find out.

"Thanks for coming with me." Chris sped up looking out for any on coming traffic.

"Sure thing I just wanted to get out of that place." I glanced out the passenger window, taking in the sunbathing landscape.

"Yeah how did your night go?" I heard the smile in his voice loud and clear.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I rested my head against the seat. My raging headache had dissolved slightly but it was much worse a few hours ago.

Patrick had work today and Chris called me asking if I wanted to go drop some papers off at my dad's office with him. I agreed despite not feeling well because I needed an out of that golden cage.

I still felt like shit, a new and uncomfortable sensation settled deep within my chest after confessing my love to Patrick. Even drunk I wasn't expecting him to return the feeling. In the end I was a bit hurt that he hadn't.

I figured going out, distracting myself and seeing my father will make me feel better.

The office was buzzing with busy people running around determined to get to their destination. Chris and I managed to make it to the elevator uninterrupted to head to the higher levels of the building.

Stepping out upon the elevator doors opening we made the usual way for my father's office. Seeing familiar faces as we passed many I offered quick smiles but kept on my way.

All was going well up until I looked forward. I nearly tripped over my own foot as the sight of Cassio punched me in the gut, taking my breath away.

My eyes wide I did a double take to make sure my eyes weren't just seeing things. But when I looked back I saw it was just see the face of another employee. No mister big bad mafia boss, was the aftermath of my night out still messing with me?

Recuperating my stride to keep up with Chris and my composure I tried to desperately ignore my rising anxiety to not give my inner struggle away. Calm down Y/n it's not him, you're seeing things, you're safe. I breathed prying myself out of my head. I can't let my mind get the best of me, act right!

"You okay?" Chris checked up on me, sensing my sudden change almost immediately even if it was only minor. Nothing goes unseen by him does it?

"Yeah." I played it off but a nagging feeling had already sprouted deep in my tummy. Not this again.

With a single knock Chris walked right into dad's office without being let in. Luckily there was no one inside but even my dad was gone from him usual seat at his massive desk.

"That's weird, he should be here?" Chris voiced his confusion. Where is he then, shaken from mistakingly seeing Cassio amongst the crowd my thoughts began to spiral.

What if it really was him and he managed to blend in? Where's my dad? This can't be happening right now. I breathed through my nose trying desperately to hold myself together, string by string before I crumbled into pieces right here right now.

My rising fear comes crashing down the second the door opened to reveal my father walking in with a smile.

"You're here earlier than expected." A hint of surprise laced his voice.

"My days of coming in late are over what are you talking about?" Chris gave out a sarcastic chuckle. The banter between these two could go on for days if you let them.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now