Sick Obsession

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Then I wished we could stay like this, in this moment forever.


I was parked at a shopping center parking lot watching as Y/n walked into a book store. This is the second time this week, she must love to read.

I've been keeping a real close eye on her just to make sure she's... safe. That she's not seeing any boys that might or might not end up on my list to get rid of permanently.

Just the thought of her with any boys infuriated me. I already have to stand Henry I don't need to add to that.

I've been watching her ever since I laid my eyes on her.

I've been watching her every move.

No matter what I did, I couldn't seem to get her out of my head.

Not even acting on my uncontrollable, nightly blood lust would distract me from her brown, doe like eyes and long lashes. Her plump, pouty lips and delicate curves.

Her soft spoken voice, the feeling of her sweet lips and tongue dancing with mine. I had a small taste and now I'm addicted. I want more, I need more of her.

I craved her.

The way her hips moved, pressed up against mine. I took a deep breathe trying to calm my ragged breathing and nasty thoughts.

She consumed all of my thoughts, the little brunette was toying with my mind and she didn't even know it.

She's all I want, the things I would do to her. To have her a moaning mess under me, her pretty mouth wide open and her back arched.

My intrusively, sadistic and twisted thoughts got the best of me. I wouldn't mind throwing her around and making her cry, bruise her ass and hips for a few hours. To find any excuse to spank her ass cherry red.

It wasn't going to take time before she submits fully, from our last interactions it was clear she was into me. But it's going to be hard to find any reason to punish her for my own sick pleasure, she's too obedient for her own good. I have to have her. Y/n. The pretty brunette was driving me insane.

But if I want her, I'm going to have to do this right I can't screw this up. I need to lure her in willingly, I want her to want me just as much as I want her. To be as addicted and needy. To have the same desire towards each other.

It's almost been a week since I last saw her at the party. I did however manage to get her phone number by the end of the mesmerizing night. I sent her sweet, flirty messages to charm her and let her know that I'm thinking of her everyday. Then hopefully get her thinking of me throughout the day too. From what I know she's definitely the hopeless romantic type.

Which doesn't surprise me one bit, she's not going to be easy so I actually have to try and seduce her. I managed to get her address and sent her flowers to captivate her further.

Talking to Andy I found out what college she's attending. With a little more stalking around I have a simple understanding of her day to day schedule and likings. I usually stayed behind in the car as I watched her go about her day when I got the chance.

She wore a lot of skirts and dresses... very short skirts and dresses, and heels. She's perfect, it's like she was made just for me.

I also took obvious note of both Henry and Chris, along with this other girl, they're almost always together. It was dreadfully annoying when Henry was always touching Y/n in some way. And why did she let him if they weren't even dating? I rolled my eyes at the thought.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now