Dangerous Game

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Patrick placed a plate of food in front of me and I thanked him, in return I was surprised by the cold man that kissed my lips.

After Patrick arrived unexpectedly at my front door a few nights ago, he had to leave abruptly. Claiming there was a misunderstanding and he had to rush back to work which was such a relief for me. He left before my parents got back home which it feels like they're rarely here anymore. I do understand they have other responsibilities but it gets lonely.

"Y/n, flower do you have a second?" Dad knocked on my open door and stood on the door frame, arms crossed.

"Of course daddy." I turned from my vanity, still brushing my hair giving my father attention.

"We're having a dinner party Saturday and I'd like for you to attend." He informed me with a smile.

"Okay, any reason as to why?" I asked. Usually he doesn't ask me to be at these things, I choose whether I want to go so it was odd he was asking.

"Theres someone I want you to meet." Dad smiled, clearly wanting to keep this someone a mystery until that night.

"Will Henry and Chris be attending?" Those two are always at those events it's very important and will help them a lot once they take over their business.

"I don't see why not." He nodded.

"That's it I'll let you get back to getting ready for your date." Dad stepped out of the room.

"It's not a date dad." I made it clear.

"Whatever you say flower." His laugh echoed in the hallway. I'm supposed to meet Jonathan at a coffee shop he recommended so I'm having Chris drop me off. I just have to finish getting ready before Chris pulls up.


"Call me when your little date is over, or is he giving you a ride." Chris teased with a grin.

"It's not a date." I scold, why does everyone think it's a date?

"Sure call me." Chris chimes before driving away. I walked into the cute coffee shop, my nose was greeted with the sweet smell of coffee and almost instantly spotted Jonathan.

"Y/n, hi." He greeted me with a comforting hug and a welcoming smile.

"Hi." I hugged him back and we sat down, on the table he had his computer and a couple notebooks.

"I know this looks like a lot but we probably won't even get halfway through today." He chuckled.

"I'm ready." We ordered a beverage and I listened as he read his book. It was so well written and his smooth, butterscotch voice kept me intrigued and staring at how concentrated he was the entire time.

He looked so sexy with his reading glasses on, his shirt was rolled up to his elbows. The first two buttons on his shirt were open teasing his chest, his brown locks looked so soft and shiny I wanted to run my fingers through it. The story itself was a beautiful, forbidden romance between the main characters.

"And theres like twenty tree more chapters, where I'm stuck is on how I end it?" All my focus was on him, I didn't realize how much time had gone by. We spent half the day in the coffee shop as he read to me.

"Ahh the end, it does make or break the whole story." I nodded. My brain was already raking up ideas and ways the story could end but there was so much more to the story I don't know.

"This is the most important and stressful part of a book, it either leaves the reader satisfied and they love it or makes them hate the story entirely." He agreed, then his phone rang.

Devilicious Psychopath | Patrick Bateman | 18+Where stories live. Discover now