Re-reading and Jace casting

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Okay so for some reason I decided it would be a great idea to read clockwork angel again (I was having book withdrawal) and as I'm reading it again I'm starting to see how rude Will was to start with.

But then its Will and I love Will and I'm just like 'I KNOW WHAT HE MEANS' when he said there was some things Tessa wouldn't understand.

And then Jem and bta Jem I live Jem he's just so sweet and omgs Jem he's just such a sweetheart all the time and I love him so much and bta just I LOVE THEM BOTH!!!

and then there's Henry and I just started laughing when he set his arm on fire and while re reading this I'm just like I remember that and bta he's just so perfect!!!

I just had to say this all!!

Also has anyone heard Jace has been cast for the TMI TV series.

So Dominic Sherwood is going to be Jace and I've thought about it and the more I think about it the harder it gets to see anyone but Jamie Campbell Bower of Jace (not that I thought he made the best Jace but I do love Jamie Campbell Bower).

I can't wait to see the rest of the cast and although I'm not to sure the series will go well I'm kinda looking forward to see how it goes.

But if the media dares touch the infernal devices I will be having words with raziel because that series is just to preciouse to be tampered with (like seriosly no one touch it!)

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