One Shot: Raphael x Ragnor

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Raphael had begun to feel lonely. All day the dumort had felt deserted, and Raphael was becoming restless at the lack of hastle. Usually it was Raphael this, Raphael that, Raphael he ate my human subjugate, Raphael he bit me! But today none of the New York vampires were home, and Raphael had nothing to do. So instead of moping around bored all day, he sent a human (not a subjugate, but one that wanted to be bitten) to fetch him Ragor Fell.

He and the Warlock had become surprisingly good friends through their love of insulting Magnus Bane. They'd spent so much time together over the last few years in fact, that Raphael had began to have this strange feeling him whenever he was around Ragnor. He hadn't a clue what it could be, but he felt he wanted to be closer the him.

When Ragnor arrived, Raphael's heart leapt.

"Such a pleasure to see you again Ragnor," Raphael exclaimed in greeting. He got that strange feeling in his stomach again, one that he couldn't explain and suddenly got an urge to open his arms and wrap them around his green friend. No. That couldn't be right. Why would he think that?

"Not that I'm not please to see you or anything," Ragnor started, "but why exactly did you invite me here?"

"I needed company, all my vampires are out in the world. It was becoming tediously lonely," Raphael explained, but he couldn't shake the odd feeling that he wanted more than just to talk to Ragnor. He tried to distract himself.

"How has Magnus been?" He asked. Not that he cared, but the conversation had to start somewhere.

"same as always, irritating beyond belief," Ragnor answered. Raphael wasn't surprised, Magnus could be dreadfully annoying when he intended to be.

"Do tell me Raphael, how have you been holding up? It must be hard keeping check of all the vampires in New York," Ragnor asked. The question struck Raphael like iron. It implied that Ragnor cared, that he wanted to know is Raphael was doing okay.

"I'm perfectly alright. The vampires stay mostly in order, and when they don't I'm more than capable into frightening them into doing as their told," Raphael answered.

"Splendid," Ragnor answered, but he didn't look comfortable. It wasn't a usual awkwardness however. Not that he didn't want to be there, but that he wanted to be in a different situation to the one he was currently in. Raphael couldn't help but get the same feeling, like one of longing.

Their chatter continued for a while longer until Ragnor stopped suddenly and tried to shy away from Raphael.

"What's wrong?" Raphael asked. He didn't want to make Ragnor nervous, but he couldn't understand how he could. Ragnor was a warlock for gods sake. A very intelligent, very handsome... Handsome... Did he just think about Ragnor being handsome? No... He couldn't have... He must have been thinking of someone else.

"It's just that lately, since we've you know, being seeing each other a lot, I've began to feel... Differently about you," Ragnor explained. The statement was clear. Ragnor didn't want to be friends anymore and was willing them to drift apart.

"I don't mean in a bad way, I mean... Good different," Ragnor continued, as if he were opposing Raphael's thoughts.

"And I was just thinking... Well..." Raphael couldn't help himself. Something drove him towards Ragnor and suddenly he didn't care what he was about so say, he just smashed his lips against his.

Ragnor seemed taken aback, but once he got over his initial shock he kisses Raphael back.

Raphael was so releaved he kissed Ragnor harder than he had before. He had no idea why he was doing this, no idea what he felt for Ragnor, but everything inside him seemed to have exploded and all that mattered was that his lips were against Ragnors.

When Ragnor slipped his hands under Raphael's shirt he went crazy, taking his lips and kissing the tender skin on Ragnors neck. He moaned and pulled Raphael's shirt from his body, sliding his hand over his skin.

Raphael sprung into action. He pushed Ragnor against a wall and kissed him hard on the lips, slipping his toungue into his mouth and kissing him with more fire and more passion than he ever thought he would. He told himself he needed to stop this right now, but he just couldn't bring himself to. He was to lost in ragnors kisses.

Raphael was so close to peeling off Ragnor's shirt when the door to the room they were in burst open and Magnus strode in. He took one look at the scene before him and grinned.

"Well this is a pleasant surprise!" Magnus exclaimed. He smiles at Ragnor "I never thought you'd have sexy sexy feelings for a Vampire," Magnus stated before leaving the room.

"I'm sorry..." Raphael began, regretting what he had done, but before he could leave Ragnor gave him a kiss in the cheek.

"It's okay," He said. "Magnus is just a jerk, besides, what does it matter, I enjoyed the kissing," Ragnor explained with a weak smile.

Raphael didn't admit it to anyone, not even himself, but right then, he got the feeling this was the start of something beautiful.


Not long because I'm tired

I wrote this because I can (and because the bane chronicles said they were friends of such)

Dont judge me for this I'm tired!!!

I don't actually know what I just wrote...

Well hope you enjoyed that little time waster one shot, I sure enjoyed writing it. I want really sure how I was gonna do it and I wanted to make it short so this is what happened.

Also check out my fanfiction mother of mine. Its about what would happen if Tessa raised Jace ( ore explained if you read it)

Please comment (I don't care if its negative I appreciate all comments as long as they're not rude)



Update: I just read this and by the angel what was I thinking!

What was wrong with me when I wrote this?


You need to know that I'm laughing so hard at my terrible writing I don't even know what is wrong with me so I'm just gonna go...


Jem: bye :D

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