Top bunk (herongraystairs modern AU one-shot)

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They had finally found a hotel room for three in the centre of Paris. It had been a long day searching, but Will, Tessa and Jem had finally found a room.

There was only one problem.

The room was small, but that they could live with as they were only staying a night. What was really annoying was the sleeping space.

In the room there was a single bed and a bunk bed which both Tessa and Will both had their eyes fixed on.

Jem dropped his suitcase by the end of the single bed and announced "I'll take this one," hoping to avoid conflict. Even if he did yearn to climb up on to the top bunk as well he decided to leave it to Will and Tessa to fight over this time - there would be other opportunities.

Will had began climbing the ladder, but Tessa had already thrown up her case and was trying to pull him down.

"Come on Will. You had the top bunk last time!" She pleaded, but Will had climbed the top step and was sitting up top, trying to push Tessa's suitcase off.

Tessa, however, wouldn't take this as an answer and began to climb up after Will.

"Come on, let me have the top bunk just this once!"

"Not a chance," Will stated as he threw her suitcase over the side, earning a large bang and a few yells from the floor below.

"Ladies first, I should get first pick!" Tessa insisted.

"But im oldest," Wil countered

"Actually I'm oldest," Jem pointed out, "and Tessa's right, you always get the top bunk.

"I don't see you complaining, " said Will.

"Well perhaps I want the top bunk for once," Jem countered earning a frustrated groan from Tessa. "Come on Will, get down."

"Never!" Will yelled while trying to push Tessa off, but she held her ground.

"Its not fair Will, you need to give us a turn! " Tessa insisted.

"Not happening!" Will answered, sitting on the pillow and refusing to move. In response Tessa bundled up he sheets, dragging them to the other side of the bunk and nestling into them. Jem could only grin.

"Hey!" Will complained.

"If you refuse to get down then we're going to have to share," Tessa announced, throwing glance at Jem as if to tell him she'd won.

"If we must share its not fair you get all the covers," Will complained.

"And its not fair you get all the pillow," Tessa argued.

Jem had at some point snuggled up under the bedsheets and was watching the continuous argument from his bed. After a little longer of fighting Tessa moved to Wills side of the bed, bringing the sheets with her and laid her head down on his pillow. She was facing Will so he was unable to read her expression, but Will smiled softly at her and lied down next to her.

Jem sighed. He wished he could be up there with them, wished he could share their warmth and wrap his arms around them.

Will smiled down at Jem, and the angel must have answered his call because Will motioned Jem towards him.

"Why don't you join us?" He asked. Jem smiled up at Will and pealed the covers away from himself. He climhed the ladder onto the top bumk and squeased in on the other side of Tessa so she was between them.

Jem draped an arm across her shoulders and she wrapped her own arm around his neck and draped her other across Wills chest. He had both arms around her.

The bed was narrow enough that there was no room to move once they were all lying side by side, but warmth radiated from them, and beside them he felt safer than he did any place else.

Slowly he fell asleep with only the sound of Will and Tessa's breathing beside him.

Short but sweet

I've actually been working on this for a while so its kinda pathetic its so short but of well

The tiredness is consuming my soul and I can barley see what im typing because my head hurts!!!

Nightity nighty night night

Dont let the demons bite

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