Tessa's phone

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Will: what is that ghastly sound?

Will: goodness what is that... Are those people in the little box?

Will: TESSA! there are little people in the little box!

Will: and one of them looks extraordinarily like Jem

Will: we must retreave them at once!

Tessa: Will just give me my phone back

Will: Tess, what does the little button that says 'wattpad' do?

Tessa: Will don't you dare click on that!

Will: you know I think I might click on it

Tessa: Will!

Will: I wonder what's in librery

Tessa: Will give that back right now!

Will: what are these fanfictions you've been looking at Tess?

Jem: your secret is out Tessa, good luck when he finds out what you read on there

Tessa: how would you know

Jem: you need to stop leaving your phone where I can reach it

Emma: That's your phone Tessa? Jules showed me it the other day

Tessa: Julian!

Julian: I'm sorry it was funny! That was an interesting hunger games fan fiction you read by the way

Will: hunger games?

Clary: come along Will! I'll show you the wonderful world of the hunger games fandom!

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