The NY Shadowhunters get their own apartments

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She draws all over the walls. There are literally sketches and sketchbooks everywhere and every time she goes out demon hunting she has to spend at least half an hour searching for her seraph blades. There is paint purposely splattered all over the cupboards too, and sticky notes with reminders or random sketches all over the furniture


Its like a weapons room in itself, but its completely tidy and if someone moves something slightly out of place he goes crazy and pulls out whatever weapons nearest. The only weaponless room is where he keeps his piano, and if he's not training or hunting he can be found sat in front of it playing his music.


Its a complete mess. She doesn't put anything away and every time she cooks nothing gets washed up. Alec end up tidying everything away when he comes over. The walls are painted either pink or black (Clary helped with that) and though everything looks super expensive it was either brought from a charity shop or given to her by Magnus. She always dresses up for herself even if she knows no ones going to visit, and sometimes she just doesn't dress up and walk around in her underwear all day.


Obviously he shares Magnus' apartment, but he has his own to, though there isn't much there. He keeps it as tidy as possible, but Clary and Izzy like to come round and mess it up. Clary stuck a load of drawings to his walls (which he said he hated, but secretly he loves) and Izzy decided to make his some cakes (we all know how that went). He takes little Max there sometimes when Magnus has an important client and with Clary's help they painted pictures on all the bathroom tiles.

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