Camillessa one-shot

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The warlock was surrounded by mountains of books. Books on the sofa, on the TV, books on the floor and lining the walls.

She had agreed to meet with Tessa only because Raphael Santiago had asked her to. It had been over hundred years since she had last seen her, when she had changed into her so she could attend Alexi de Quincys party.

Tessa had a book clasped between her fingers and her eyes were straining to keep open, blinking every few seconds and bright red. She had tears on her cheeks and her hair was a tangled mess. She didn't look up as Camille entered, as if she wasn't even aware of her presence.

"Tessa?" Camille said, her voice a hurricane in the stillness of the room. The warlock looked up and quickly wiped away the tears, sniffing, and closed her book with a scrap of paper between the pages.

"We had a meeting," Camille said flatly, staring down at the mess of a girl.

Tessa shot up, knocking a pile of books to one side and scrambling to pick them up.

"Hold on a second," she called, half falling over a battered paper back.

"Everyhing okay?" Camille asked impatiently.

"Yes. sorry. reading marathon." She answered. "Had to..." she dropped a stack of dull coloured novels, "finish a series," she finished.

Camille picked up a book by her feet and studied the bright cover before tossing it away. Tessa winced at this, but continued to pile away the books.

"I should probably freshen up," Tessa announced.

"Take your time," said Camille who slumped down on the only chair unoccupied by books.

"Yeah, you just..." Tessa looked over at her "you just get comfortable and i'll be right back," she said before staggering off into another room.


It took a full half hour of nervous energy for Tessa to decide she looked nice enough to greet Camille properly. Her hands we're shaking by her sides so she grabbed a book in need of something to hold.

It had been over a hundred years since she had last seen Camille, but being inside someones mind like she had been inside her's... it was not something easily forgotten.

Camille was sat on the sofa with her legs folded, staring at nothing, sat completely still. Camille was still beautiful with her coloured cheeks, prominent collar bones, such beauty she could never herself achieve.

Tessa didn't want to stare, but Camille was so entrancing, you couldn't help looking at her like a beggar to coin. However much you tried to turn away your effort was in vain, you just, or at least Tessa thought, couldn't tare your gaze from her.

She guess it all came in practice to carry yourself as Camille did, to make jaws drop and minds spin. There was something in her immortal soul that hid all evil from the naked eye, that buried her dark, twisted mind somewhere deep inside her, concealing it more than even a glamor could.

Camille looked up and - noticing Tessa staring - grinned sickeningly.

"Should we get this meeting underway?" Camille asked.

"We shall," said Tessa, trying her very best not to blush as Camille looked at her dead on. Gosh what had come over her.

Tessa took a seat over from Camille, taking her in again and was suddenly hit by an overwhelming wave of longing. She felt as If all she wanted was to move a little closer to the woman in front of her - just a little...

She held her ground, now beginning to wish she hadn't left her room. Camille began to speak and Tessa watched the movement of her lips, the way they curled on the 'o's and settled as she finished a word. In her trance Tessa had completely forgotten to listen to a word that had been so, so she just nodded.

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