15 reasons why Jace Herondale is perfection

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1. Goldenness

2. He's an angelic angel of angelicness

3. He conveys his emotions into his music

4. He's hot as hell

5. He loves himself and I just love that he loves himself

6. Spaghetti bath!

7. Raised by valentine and he still cares

8. He has his own fanclub of 12 year old girls

9. He loves Alec and Isabelle like they were his own siblings

10. He got all upset when he thought he had demon blood, but what he doesn't realise is that he actually does have demon blood

11. If you thought 3 different men were your father in the space of about 6 months would you have been as strong as Jace was?

12. "My one true love remains myself"

13. Doesn't care that Alec's gay and supports him

14. Mysterious aura

15. He would go to the ends of the universe to save those he loves


I've kept you waiting a long time for this, its been months since I did the Jem and Will version of this, but its finally here.

Reminder this is only 15 reasons why, there are of course more and at one point I was like I'm totally gonna need to write an extra 15 for will and Jem and ended up never doing it so...

But here's Jace anyway. I miss Jace, its been a while since I read TMI and I really need to re read and sticky note quotes to ANNOY my friends with.

I really like sticky noting quotes though, like I have book full of sticky notes and they have to be the same colour or the same book otherwise the world ends...


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