Camillessa one-shot

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Camille slipped down into the seat beside Tessa, gazing idly upon her. Tessa flushed, wanting to shuffle away, but not able to, somehow paralised in her seat.

She hated how Camille had this effect on her, being so easily able to manipulate her emotions while Tessa hid herself away from the older woman, praying she didn't realise just how much Tessa wanted her.

The library was mostly silent besides the shuffling of feet and the beep of the scanner as a book was taken out. Tessa had come here for peace and quiet, to get away from her lonely appartment for a while and acctually do something, even if that was reading.

Instead she was greated by what she wanted most at the current time, what she wanted and told herself she couldn't have. Because Camille would ruin her, she would break her heart as she had broken Magnus', and however much she craved her. She just couldn't have her life torn apart so soon.

"What are you doing here?" Tessa hissed, trying to hide how flustered she was behind the heavy book, but she noticed the mischeivous smile on Camille's lips, and flushed even harder, her neck burning. Her heart was racing, her hands beginning to shake. She brought her hands down to her lap, squeezing it tightly between her fingers and brushing her hair in front of her face.

"I wanted to see you," Camille said, not hiding her face, or the volume of her voice. Several people glared, but none said a word.

"You need to leave Camille," Tessa pleaded, her voice sounding weak.

"Why should I?" Camille jostled, leaning towards Tessa and whispering into her ear, "when you're here."

Tessa pulled away, her heart aching at its pounded. She wanted to grab Camille and kiss her, kiss her until there was no air left and she was gasping for breath. She wanted Camille to take away all the pain she'd ever felt, make her forget how much she longed for Will night after night and how much she wished Jem was beside her.

She didn't take herself as a Lebian, or bisexial even. She wasn't attracted to women in general in a sexual way, but Camille?

With Camille she broke all the rules she'd made for herself.

Camille smiled shyly, rubbing a finger over Tessa's knee and trailing up over the younger woman's hand. Blood pumped in Tessa's veins, making it hard for her to breathe. She could leave now, with or without Camille. She could run all the way home and bury herself in another book and fall asleep with her eyes still staring at the pages and forget that today ever happened. She didn't have to give into Camille, but she couldn't help herself.

Still trying to decided whether or not this was a good idea, Tessa closed her book and slowly rose from her seat, eyeing Camille as she walked out of the library doors into the mid summer breeze. She didn't know if Camille would follow her instantly, so planted herself against the back wall, closinng her eyes and both dreading and longing for the moment Camille was with her.

Moments later she felt a breathe on her face, and then teeth tugging at her bottom lip. She leaned forward to press her lips against Camille's, but she had already taken a step back.

Tessa opened her eyes, and scowled seeing Camille smirking in front of her.

"For someone who wanted me to leave," Camille said, "you seem a little forward."

Tessa didn't have a chance to scowl again, Camille already had her by the waist, her lips on Tessa's, kissing her against the wall until every throught fled from Tessa's mind.

Camille growled low in her throat and pinned Tessa against the wall by her shouldlers, grabbing the material of her t-shirt between her fists. Tessa gasped as Camille's fingers brushed lightley over her shoulder, making her skin prickle and burn. It scared her how such a small action had such a large effect.

"Maybe," Camille said between kisses and gasps of air, "we should take this somewhere a little more private."

Tessa wasn't sure if Camille was suggesting more than kissing or not, but she couldn't disagree that someone was likely to find them soon.

"I'll meet you round your's later," Camille said, turning and struting away without another word. Tessa was left to stand there, stunned, on her own, not knowing for certain what she'd just done.

So she gathered together the books she'd left in her bag on the ground and walked, still a little dazed, back to her appartment.


Later that evening there was a knock on Tessa's door. She had just finished her pizza and had turned back to her book, but it suddenly spiked fear in her.

She only had moments after opening the door to Camille to compose herself before she was slammed against the door, kissing her lips and neck and face.  Sucking and clawing at her skin.

Camille didn't give her a second to catch her breath, and for the next hour she was numb of all her thoughts.


Well then, haven't written anything like that in a while.

I should be working on my story I wrote for NaNoWriMo (currently on 61,000 words and counting) but whatever.

Currently listening to immortals by fall out boy.

Or I could be writing the christmas fic I said I would write, but nope, I'm writing Camillessa sorta smut.

I brought Elenor and Park today. Is it good? Opinions but not spoilers.

Current life status: still waiting for lady madnight

I had chinese food last night

... Jem...

I'd say how many days until Lady Midnight but my notepad with the calinder is out of arms reach and I'm comfy.


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