Jingle bells even though christmas isnt legal yet

160 9 18

*to the tune of jingle bells*

Slaying in the snow
with Alec, Izzy and Jace
Demon blood will flow
and then they'll fly away

Tortured demon screams
laced with christmas cheers
how fun it is to kill and sing
Until we collapse and die oh

Jingle bells
Magnus smells
of glitter and kittens
Alec has a christmas sweater
Which Clary took away 



This song is called it's almost 11 and I've still got over a thousand words to write...

Procrastination guys!!!

On a brighter note it's only a few days until December which means the end of NaNoWriMo so I can update more often and it also means this song is officially legal!!!

I'm very sorry if you don't celebrate christmas but its my favourite time of year so I will be writing about it even if I say I'm the person who bans Christmas until December and writes this anyway!!!

This is actually the first time I've ever updated on my laptop and not my tablet so I'm actually typing half decently... and putting off writing... again...

I'm not getting behind when I'm so close to the end so I shall not get leave my laptop until I've finished

Currently listening to let it go, remember that song?

I remember when I used to listen to it repetedly and sing it constantly

I'm sat in the corner of my room on the floor partially under my desk and I'm really close to turning of the lights and typing in the dark and someone just texted my cuz I heard my phone ping and who even texts me I don't text...

I checked false alarm it was just youtube panic over I don't need to socialse

Jace: because what a shame that would be

Clary: oh shut up Jace give the girl a chance she's stressed and she doesnt like socialisation

Jace: who doesnt like socialisation, I mean, who could possibly prefer to read books and stuff over human interaction

Tessa: ... I did not raise you to be so judgemental

Jace:  you didnt raise me at all

You know I realise as much on my NaNoWriMo book as I did on here then I'd be well over my word count by now, but no I get distracted with the internet... every time

Why do I feel tired when I went to bed at like 11 last night? Usually I go to sleep much later and I'm not tired and I got distracted again didnt I and a few days left of NaNoWriMo bye


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