If TID characters had wattpad stories

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She write a really sweet romance book that was all cutsey until Will hacked her account and added a few badly written sex scenes which made her laugh so much she had to keep despite the complaints from the readers


He writes a lot of smutty fan fics and generally sexy stories, but Tessa doesn't know that so shhh. Also he has an action novel


He started writing a detective story but got bored a few chapters in at which point Will hacked his account and made it into a sex novel from there on. Jem didn't even realise until Tessa told him a few months later and he found out it had over a thousand views


A story with some really awesome main female character who kills stuff. It doesn't really have much of a plot but there are some really detailed action scenes.


Tried to write a romance novel, but couldn't get it right an ended up teaming up with Charlotte


Started off as an adventure novel, but with some extra romance after she teamed up with Sophie


Tried to get Will to hack Charlotte's account as a joke, but instead he hacked Henry's, giving his story quite a rude title and cover for his rant book


It was a one chapter long story that he only wrote because Cecy bribed him into it. A fight scene between two boys


To everyone's surprise (and a little encouragement from Sophie) he wrote a romance novel.

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