Shadowhunters Woud you rather

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1. Cave scene with Will or Cave scene with Jace

Answer: Cave scene with Will, I mean, it's Will Heronale

2. Be a werewolf or a vampire

Answer: werewolf. I like sunlight and food thank you very much

3. Have Magnus as your roommate ir Izzy

Answer: they're both so awesome and it would be super fun to have either as a roommate, but I'm seriously not like either. They're both obsessed with fashion and not books. WHY DID I ASK THIS QUESTION?! If I had to choose I'd just room them together, but to answer the question Izzy. We could stay up talking about brother Zakeriah (aka Jem Carstairs) all night.

4. Be a shadowhunter who dies young or be a mundie who never knows of the shadow world

Answer: I'd prefer a short life of awesome demon slaying than a long Jaceless life.

5. Be a farie or a warlock

Answer: warlock, they're all just so awesome

6. Fight the dark army or the clockwork army

Answer: clockwork army, I wouldn't want to hurt anyone who had been forced to drink from the infernal cup and I wouldn't want to go thriugh what Jules went through.

7. Be in Clary or Tessa's love story

Answer: Tessa's was more painful from the love triangle, but we've got to consider the sibling thing with Clary. I'd say probably Tessa since I wouldn't want to think I was in love with my Brother.

8. Date (if your sexual preference is guys) /room with (if your sexual preference is girls) Alec or Simon

Answer: Simon; he's just so cute and nerdy

9. Date (if your sexual preference is girls) /room with (if your sexual preference is guys) Izzy or Clary

Answer: Clary, we could draw together and have some exquisitely decorated room.

10. Be a Lightwood or a Fairchild

Answer: Fairchild. Things never go to well for the Lightwoods (Lightworm/Tatiana/Jesse/Max)

11. Fight Clary or fight Tessa

Answer: I feel like in modern times Tessa has a lot more fighting experience than Clary, but by the end of their series Clary had been trained by Jace whereas Tessa had been really lightly trained by Gabriel, but also they both have their abilities and they're both older than me so I'm not sure I would have the slightest chance of beating either. Probably Clary because she can't, you know, shapeshift into an angel.

12. Have to sumon a demon or an angel

Answer: demon because "what to buy the shadowhunter who has everything".

13. Kill Alec or Gabriel

Answer: Gabriel, though I'm not sure Cecily would be to pleased. Also he's already dead.

14. Sleep with Will or Jem (and I mean just sleep)

Answer: both/whoever is not with Tessa at the time

15. Break up Clace or Jessa and take the man/woman for yourself

Answer: Jessa, because even though I love them its Jem Carstairs, and Tessa still has Will.

Tell me what you would choose and give me some would you Rather's. If I get enough I might answer them in another chapter.

Also I will be going to France tomorrow. Yes, yes I know I only went last week, but yes I'm going again and for two weeks this time.

It's quite a long car drive so I'll have a lot of time to read/write. I will do some writing in the car and as I'm going to be busy the first few days I won't have time so I'll upload some of the stuff I wrote in the car then.

The problems is I don't know if the hotel in staying in will have WiFi/good WiFi that actually works. If not you won't be hearing from me for the first few days.

The rest of the time I'm there will be much more relaxed and I will have a lot of time on my hands to write. I should have internet there, but if not them I'll just post everything when I get back.

Also give me some prompts for oneshots or general ideas to write about. If I do write about them I will give you credit.

So that's that, I'll see you guys soon!


BTA PUMPKIN MARSHMALLOW KISSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jace: hey Clary, you want a PUMPKIN Marshmallow kiss?

Clary: ... What the hell?

Jace: pumpkin Marshmallow kiss.

Clary: I heard what you said. What does it mean?

Jace: I'll show you

I'm wondering what you guys thought about that

There's probably some dirty creeps reading this...


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