Lady Midnight Scandal

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Once again updating on my computer because my tablet hates me and keeps deleting everything I write.

So guess who won NaNoWriMo?


wow deja vu!

so yeah I finished yesterday actually, but my actual story isnt finished even though I've finished 50,000 words, and though its still gonna be high on my priority I'm gonna try and prioritise wattpad as well sooo...

That's not what I'm here to say anway

So for ages I've been trying to write a chapter on how scandalous the title lady midnight seems to me I mean I've been thinking about this for months and havent actually written anything on it yet like whats wrong with me?

Oh yeah, wattpad keeps deleting everything I write on my tablet

So because every rage I ever have at midnight is written on my tablet they're not there anymore so I've gotta figure out how to stop this

so anyway I mean seriously its called lady midnght

lady at midnight

like how does this seem to you?

its talking about a lady at midnight

what else could it mean? like seriosly I don't really know how to explain this so I guess either you see it or you don't, but... I mean what happens at midnight???

oh wait yeah tumblr but thats not what I mean

Think about it in a sexy way okay then try and figure out why I feel that way about the title

also it might have something to do with that sexy lady midnight snipped I read months ago, but whatever

Well it was Emma and someone and I know its probably not Julian... so its probably that ginger boyfriend

Also on another note I would like to talk about cave scenes and I realise how serious that sounds but my eyes are stinging and thats pretty much the only excuse I have so just deal with it I don't wattpad well on my computer

So yeah Jace was a Herondale = CoHF cave scene.
Will was a Herondale = CP2 cave scene
Julian is a decendant of the Herondales because Lucie marries Jesse according to the family tree and I'm pretty sure the Blackthorns are decendants of Lucie and Jesse which means they have Herondale and you know what that means
Julian is sort of a Herondale = QoAaD cave scene and it will be with Emma because I said so I mean even though their parabatai but does Emma really seem like the sort of person to care about rules to you because she doesnt to me

Le jour que je préfère est le samedi, parce que je ne vais pas au collège

I realised my french work was open so here's a sentance

enjoy google translate unless you're french in which care laugh at my terrible french unless you don't care in which case I respect you greatly

Not that I don't respect you if you care I'm just looking for things to say now because for a book thats about shadowhunters 80% of it is just me having the inability to shut up

I zoned out for about 5 minutes between to and shut so now you know every detail of my life I was about to say lets die but lets not do that instead lets fly because whatever sidedwqidnschdskcdvnf

I' done my fingers are weak nowd djuihnzkhdufszinhxrgcklnvec

I can't do anything its not even like I'm fangirling hard right now I have a completely staright face and I'm not even looking at the screen

oksy so theres this song called blame and it makes me think of heroes of olympus


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