Jemy saves the day!

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Oooh there's a Robin in my garden... Wanted to point that out...

I've actually forgotten what I was going to say...

Oh yah...

So this is just a little bit of life help, if your ever dying in a test just imagine Jem Carstairs is sitting beside you and reading the test over your shoulder and helping you answer the questions...

I had a test today. It worked!

Yeah I was really stressing then I started thinking of Jem and it was like ooh what if Jem were here

Well if Jem were really there I sure wouldn't be bothered about the test, I mean, he'd probably be there to tell me I was a shadowhunter or something

Jem: *quietly walks into classroom* *sits down next to me* *whispers in my ear* I've been wrong not to tell you this before, well, you see the thing is

Jace: *runs in and jumps onto teachers desk* YOUR A SHADOWHUNTER LETS GO KICK SOME DEMON BUTT TOGETHER!!!

Jem: well, yeah, what he said

Izzy: Jace so you really have to make such a show of yourself?

Jace: I just wanted to make her feel special

Me: HELL I FEEL SPECIAL! Come on Jem let's get out of here!

Teacher: Who's that yelling? Sit back down! (Because the shadowhunters are all glamored)

Classmates: ...

Me, Jem, Jace and Izzy: *run out of room waving seraph blades in the air*

To be honest I'd probably just cuddle up to Jem

Also I finished Clockwork Prince re read

Did I tell you that!

Did I say something about that last night? I don't remember? I think I did?

I update like everyday, some days twice a day...

Not sure if that's a good thing or if I'm overwhelming you all with chapters

I think theres like two, maybe three people who read every update...

I'm gonna go think about Jem now...

Bye my little poodle shadoodles from pumpkin shadumpkins!!!



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