Shadowhunters Christmas Fic

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December 1891

"Why isn't it snowing yet?" Jamie asked, clambering onto the windowsill after his younger sister. "It's meant to snow at Christmas."

Will picked up his son and set him down on the library floor beside an ever growing pile of books that Tessa was looking through; trying to find the one she wanted Will to read.

"Not always," Will said, picking up Lucie next and passing the four-year-old down to Tessa. Lucie wriggled into her mother's arms, making it impossible for her to pick up the next book. Tessa laughed and warped her arms around her daughter, getting to her feet with the child on her hip and placing a kiss on Wills cheek.

"It snowed last year mother," Lucie pointed out.

"Will it snow tonight?" Jamie asked, looking up at his father with pleading eyes, as if it was Will's decision.

"If it does can we make snow angels?" Lucie asked, wriggling out of Tessa's arms. Her sudden excitement was almost amusing.

"Mathew will help us!" Jamie shouted, "Lucie can we find Mathew, he'll tell the sky it needs to snow too!"

And with that the two children ran out of the room. Will heard their shouts as they called out for Mathew and the shout of the boy that met them mid way. The three young children ran back into the library, straight past Will and Tessa, and back up onto the windowsill.

Mathew was between the other two, hands on the window, all three of them praying to the angel for it to snow.

Will pulled Tessa closer against him and kissed her head gently. "I love seeing them so happy," he said, wrapping his arms around his wife.


Will and Tessa woke up on Christmas day to two little bodies jumping on them.

"It's Christmas! It's Christmas!" they chanted, jumping down beside their parents heads and kissing their faces.

"Get out of bed," Jamie told Will, pulling on his arm. Will didn't want to get up, he wanted to stay curled up against Tessa: but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Will sprung up from beneath the sheets, grabbing Jamie around the waist and dropping him onto the bed, tickling him without mercy until the boy was screaming and Tessa had to pull him away.

"Let him go Will," Tessa said groggily, wrapping her arms around Wills shirtless chest.

"Cordelia's here!" Lucie screamed suddenly. "She's waiting in the kitchen!"

With that the two children ran away screaming once again.

"It's going to be a noisy day, isn't it," Will said, holding Tessa close to him.

"Isn't every day," she said, laughing sleepily.

"We've got the Carstairs here too today," he warned, "don't expect to get a moments rest."

"I'm not," Tessa said, leaning against her husband.


"Why didn't it snow?" Lucie asked Jamie, who shrugged, turning to Mathew who was playing with Cordelia's hair as she tried to escape his hand on her arm.

"Maybe it's not Christmas yet," Mathew suggested, dropping a lock of red hair into Cordelia's lap.

"But mother said it was Christmas today and mother wouldn't lie," Lucie whined, leaning her head on Coderelia who didn't seem to mind despite her obvious annoyance at Mathew.

"Jamie! Lucie! Cordelia! You need to come to breakfast!" said a voice from just outside the room. Moments later Anna Lightwood's face appeared at the door. "Uncle Will's growing restless; he threatened to take away all your Christmas presents if you don't come!"

With that the three children went running out through the door, leaving Mathew behind.

"Aren't you coming?" Anna asked.

"You didn't say my name," Mathew said.

"Well I didn't know you were in here," Anna said, spinning and walking off behind the other children with a sense of authority. Mathew followed without another word.


"Everyone sit down!" Cecily screamed in the riot that followed breakfast.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at her. James and Lucie stopped fighting over who got to sit on their father's knee while Tessa tried to get them to share. Mathew stopped pulling on the curls of Cordelia's bound up hair and Anna set Christopher down on the drawing room floor beside the tree.

"Let's take this one step at a time," Cecily said in a calmer tone. "Charles, will you hand out the gifts under the tree."

Charles Fairchild looked over to his mother for confirmation, and when Charlotte smiled and nodded her head the boy got down on his hands and knees and picked up the first gift.

"For Will," he said, passing the gift backwards to Anna who gave it to her uncle, watching him unwrap it to reveal the duckling print shirt inside. Will scowled at Gabriel who found the whole thing rather funny.

From there Charles passed out the rest of the presents until there was none left, and when there wasn't the little kids crawled under the tree to hide from their parents as they tried to round them up and keep them all in order.

Lucie found herself huddled together with Christopher and Mathew as Anna tried to pull them out.

"Come on!" she said, "Henry's about to set the cake on fire, do you want to miss it?"

All the children screamed at the thought, but crawled out from there hiding space anyway, sitting around the table in the middle of the drawing room and watching as Henry did, in fact, set the cake on fire...

And his sleeve.

Mathew cheered in delight seeing his mother shriek at Henry to put it out, and only Charlotte refrained from laughing when Will poured a pitcher of water over the burning man.


Later that evening, when all the children had gone to bed, Will and Tessa were left alone once again.

Will took Tessa into his arm and fall onto their bed with his lips on hers and his hands in her hair. Tessa laughed, and soon they weren't able to steal more than a few kisses without bursting into a laughing fit, so instead Will just wrapped his arms around his wife and pressed his nose against hers.

"Merry Christmas," he murmured, pressing another soft kiss against her lips.

"And a happy new year," Tessa said in reply, as they settled down to sleep.

Bonus Scene

"Father!" Jamie called, launching down the institutes hallway and leaping at his father who had run to meet him halfway.

"Father, uncle Jem's here, and he has presents!"

It was almost laughable seeing the silent brother with a bundle of colourfully wrapped gifts in his arms, and Will couldn't help wondering how he had found the chance to purchase them or how he had been allowed out of the silent city.

"Jem," Will heard Tessa call from behind him. She met them at the door and took some of the presents from Jem to carry for him to the drawing room while Will held his son.

"How did you get here?" Tessa asked as they took their seats and the rest of the institutes residents poured in.

I made my excuses Jem said, his closed lips curling up a little.

The children and adults alike un-wrapped their gifts, and afterwards Will handed Jem his violin, and he played until Lucie had fallen asleep in Tessa's arms.


Hey Guys! I promised you a christmas fic so here you have it!

I can't remember who suggested this but thanks whoever it was!

So yeah MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Hope this was decent enough and again MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


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