Horrible Realisation

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Okay so I was thinking about the shadowhunter chronicles the other day and I thought about how all the family's might die out.

Then I realised if Jace and Clary get married either the Herondale or Fairchild family name will be gone!!!!

I realise Jace and Clary probably don't care about their herratige but I DO!!!

So I was upset so I did some more thinking and I found 3'ways that the Herondale, Fairchild, Lightwood and Carstairs family names can survive:

Method 1:

This one is practically impossible, but if Tessa kept the Herondale name when Will died and then when she married Jem he took the Herondale name the Herondales would survive since they could have children.

Then if Jace married Clary he could take the Fairchild name and the Fairchild's would live on as long as they had children.

Then whoever Emma marries could take the Carstairs name and whoever Isabelle and Alec marry could take the Lightwood name.

Method 2:

Still pretty unlikely. Luke would have had to have taken two Fairchild name when he married Jocelyn. I'm not sure if werewolf's can have children, but if they can then the Fairchild name would live on.

Clary could then take the Herondale name if she married Jace and they could pass the Herondale name on to their children.

Jem and Tessa would be Carstairs so they would be fine and again Isabelle and Alecs husbands take the Lightwood name.

Method 3:

Probably the easiest method, but the most heart breaking. Jace and Clary don't marry each other and whoever the do marry takes their names. Then again with the lightwoods and again we have Jem and Tessa for Carstairs.

Since the first 2 are practically impossible and the last one is heart breaking (becames Clace is everything) I don't think all the names have a chance of surviving, but at least we'll have the beautiful couples!!!

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