Parabatai oath

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I just realised I've actually memorized the parabatai oath without meaning to.

I was scrolling through some her on stairs stuffs and I saw the beggining of the oath and then I just continued it on and finished it my head and suddenly I just realized what I'd done...

I can't revise for my French test but I can memorize the entire parabatai oath

Entreat me not to leave thee
Or to return from following after thee
For wither thou goest I will go
And where thou lodgest I will lodge
Thy people shall be my people and thy god my god
Where thou diest I will die
And there will I be buried, the angel do so to me and more also but death part thee and me

This has been a pleasant experience

Memorize it if you haven't already and already and distroy your life as I have distroyed mine


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