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chenle was jolted awake from his sleep as loud knocks reverberated all over the room. he looked left and right, confused for a moment until everything that happened last night, hit him.

he tried to squirm himself out to open the door, but to his dismay, jisung was still sleeping soundly, his arm firmly wrapped around chenle's waist, his face buried into his neck, muttering raspy nothings as he did.

"oh for fuck's sake! open the goddamn door already!" the familiar voice of renjun screamed through the wood, practically rendering chenle immobile and helpless. finally, renjun could give any less of a fuck to the two and kicked open the already unlocked door, instantly regretting his actions.

"what the absolute fuck were you two doing!" renjun screamed once again, waking jisung up. "our first night was pretty much ruined because of you two. and tell your stupid boyfriend to do your deeds in your own fucking room!"

chenle had to take the full brunt of the scoldings while jisung snickered to himself, pretending to be asleep. after a good 5 minutes of yelling at the poor maknae, renjun stomped out of the room, muttering to himself about how jisung was just an innocent little child a few hours ago.

chenle squirmed out of jisung's grasp and stood up, looking at the mess they made yesterday, mentally facepalming to himself as he did. he hitched his breath as he felt pain surge through him, silently cursing at his boyfriend and his insanely big shaft as he limped to the shower, trying to clean himself up.

jisung opened his eyes to see chenle muttering who knows what in the shower, much to his amusement. he brought himself up and walked into the shower without any consent, freaking him out.

"what the fuck, you scared me!" chenle said as he looked at jisung frustratedly, for which he replied with a small sly smile and a quick kiss to his lips. he wrapped his hands around the older's waist as the steamy water started to fall on both.

"so are we not having any plans today...?" jisung asked, chenle's anger subsiding as he let him pepper kisses all over his body, probably to start a new the shower.

"well, it is a sunday...and i really can't think of any i guess i'll cuddle with you all day...if hyung doesn't kill us both, that is."

"and it's all because of a horny dick like you," chenle rolled his eyes as he snickered at the compliment.


chenle pulled himself out of the shower knowing that he was increasing the risk of him dying at the hands of his gege...although it's most likely going to be jisung first. a whole 15 minutes passed by with just jisung almost making love with him in the shower, not at all caring to clean himself up.

"alright now, we'll cuddle in our dorms instead, gege will probably kill you if we stay any longer," chenle said, not even looking at the pouting image of his boyfriend.

"but still..."

"no means no," chenle said seriously as he picked his clothes up, but a hand grabbed his wrist, stopping him. he turned back to jisung nonchalantly, still not surprised. "i said no, ji. i want to walk tomorrow."

"well if you want to change...i kept a bunch of new clothes there..." jisung trailed off as he pointed to the cupboard nearby, much to chenle's surprise. "...just in case if we forgot to wake up early to go to our dorms."

"i..." chenle trailed off as he looked at him questioningly. "you really planned out yesterday night, didn't you?"

"of course i did..." jisung said as he quickly pressed his lips to chenle's again, startling him. "i wanted yesterday's night to be as memorable as possible, unlike the hyungs' first time, which was literally inside one of the college lockers, and i'm not even kidding."

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