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a new day dawned, and it doesn't seem to be any different for jisung. he gingerly forced himself to get out of his bed as he had no choice but to start a new, monotonous day.

as he expected, the room was deafeningly silent, almost lifeless as he was the only resident in the dorms, the bichon with his best friend because he lost all his abilities to even take care of himself. his head felt like it was spinning around at a hundred miles per hour as frequently lost his balance walking to the couch.

he collapsed not-so-gracefully on to the fabric, groaning hopelessly. he knew he just cannot bring himself to show up to class in such a condition, and part of him just wanted to take the day off and ask heuningkai about the stuff he missed out on.

almost immediately, he was greeted with an annoying knock from the door to which he had no energy to reply with. he tried to pull himself up as he stumbled over things here and there, cursing silently at himself as he did.

he opened the door to see jaemin— not exactly whom he thought would visit him before the classes start. unlike his normal persona, jaemin's facial features were tinged with melancholy, his gaze serious like as if he wanted to address something very important. "sungie...we need to talk."

"what is it, hyung...?" jisung breathed out as he let him in. "is it something...about chenle...? please, please tell me he's fine! i really hope he's happy right now..."

"it is about chenle, and his roommate told me a few things about what his plans are," jaemin's voice plummeted as he drooped his head down, not ready to break his dongsaeng's heart. "he's...not coming back...for a while, that is. he wanted a break in the relationship because he wanted you to not get distracted during your studies."

"why though...? i just can' anything because of this..." jisung spoke out laboriously, his voice faltering as he was about to break down. "he could have...just let me go at this point. wait, is he not coming to classes anymore?"

"no, didn't he tell you?" jaemin asked, confused. "he dropped out because he was in search of a job and classes weren't going well for him."

jisung fell silent as his head drooped down, tears falling out of his eyes as he cried silently. noticing that, jaemin immediately grabbed his hand, sighing as he tried his best to console him. "don't cry, sungie. just because lele's not coming back for a while, doesn't mean he left you completely. he just wants a break, and i'm pretty sure he'll come back after you graduate."

(a/n: the word 'graduate' gives me bad memories, i'm sorry-)

"ji, why is the door open- oh, sorry!"

his best friend's voice made jisung turn his head right, to see heuningkai leaning on the doorway, his arm holding a few books. his head drooped down apologetically, not happy to interrupt the moment.

jisung beckoned him inside wordlessly as he let go of his hands. "i'm not coming to class today, kai. i'm feeling really sick and sleepy. you can go along with nana-hyung," he said as he nudged jaemin. "hyung, i need some...time alone. go with kai, please?"

"alright..." jaemin trailed off as he went out of the room with heuningkai, leaving jisung alone. the moment the two left the place, he immediately fell down and burst into tears, agony wrecking his head as he curled up into a corner of the room, sobbing his heart out.

"i want you back...please...come back to me, i promise...i'll take care of you better than i did before..." he spoke out to no one.


chenle opened his eyes to see the ceiling of the dusty room, all dark and worn out. he squirmed about as he pulled himself out of bed, not ready to start a new day in any way.

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