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"mr kang, i'm so sorry, i can't attend the class today, i have some problems..."

chenle woke up to the sound of jisung's voice, speaking formally to one of his teachers in a panic-stricken tone— not a good alarm to wake up to. he turned around in his bed uncomfortably, his eyes having trouble to adjust to the morning light.

"i-i'll...keep that in mind...once again, i'm sorry..."

chenle pulled himself out of his bed reluctantly, waddling towards jisung like a toddler who just woke up from a nightmare. all he wanted was to pull the younger into a hug considering his melancholic tone when he spoke with his math teacher.

and he did, startling jisung who was completely engrossed in the call. after mr kang hung up, jisung turned back to see chenle's face buried on to his collarbones, leaning on to him for support. snickering to himself, jisung effortlessly pulled him into his arms, keeping him close as the two shared a wordlessly passionate embrace.

"who were you talking to...?" chenle asked, half-asleep, even if he knew clearly whom jisung was conversing, albeit unhappily, with.

"it was mr kang. he was wondering why i didn't come for the remedial classes today," jisung beamed at him. "i had to lie, i can't tell that i skipped my classes to cuddle with you."

even though jisung was clearly insinuating it as a joke, that statement did hurt chenle on the inside, realizing that jisung was only skipping classes just so he could spend more time with him.

in a way, chenle could deduce that he was also a reason why jisung was failing in his studies.

sensing his boyfriend's overthinking, jisung immediately defended himself. "b-besides...i can't show my face out to kai without dying inside...it's not just...because i wanted to cuddle with you— wait, that's not what i meant either! i-it's more...like a winwin situation!"

chenle merely looked at him in astonishment, partly confused on how exactly he deduced his thinking. was he...that obvious with his emotions? or was jisung just that good of a mind reader?

"alright...but you'll be going to college tomorrow, i don't want you to bunk classes anymore, understood?" chenle firmly commanded, pouting at jisung in the process. "and if someone decides to tease you for that...i'll kick their ass."

"lele...i'm much more stronger than you, i'm pretty sure i can kick asses better than you," jisung deadpanned, his expression stoic at his statement. "besides, i really don't give a fuck anymore...especially since i'm already being teased for something i did over 4 months ago..."

"what exactly is that? should i kick their asses?!" chenle frowned, his protective urges kicking in, while jisung was even more unamused. he sighed as he facepalmed, waiting for chenle to finally realize what incident he was referring to.

then it clicked in him.

all chenle could speak out was an 'oh' when he realized what exactly that incident was.

apparently, the second day of college was pretty much entertaining for juniors and sophomores alike; the juniors laughing over at jisung who decided to scar their music teacher to death by jerking off inside a locker, while the sophomores thought their whole classroom was possessed by some felix-like demon as the noises skyrocketed in amplitude.

thank doyoung that chenle decided to take a day off, or else he could never look at his poor roommate in the same way ever again. not to mention, the amount of teases he would have to suffer.

who knows how much did jisung had to suffer because of that incident.

"but...at least on the bright side..." jisung trailed off, a smirk curling his lips as he pulled chenle closer to him, his voice dropping an octave. "...at least people now know that you're mine."

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