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jeno groggily woke up from his deep sleep as he pulled himself out of his bed, only to realize jaemin was not there. thinking to himself that jaemin might have left early in the morning to visit his best friend, jeno freshened himself up and walked out the door of his bedroom to check on jisung, who, was thankfully, deep asleep with no telltale signs of crying.

jeno could not help but notice that jisung had been increasingly stoic; a dead expression was always manifested on his face no matter what happened. in one way, he stopped himself from breaking down over chenle every single moment, which was a good thing, but this change was still a tad bit unwelcome in jeno's eyes.

sighing, jeno swung his bag on his shoulder as he walked to the doorway, only to see jaemin flopping on a couch, facetiming chenle without a care in the world— meaning, his hunch was partly right.

"how's that baby bump though?" jaemin asked, eliciting a half-sigh from the younger.

"really annoying to be honest, hyung won't even leave me alone! i mean, it's kind of a good thing because it's hard for me to walk...but you get my point, right?"

jaemin merely let out a teasing chuckle, which only angered chenle and resulted in him screaming out profanities in a static-filled voice. when jaemin felt like he was being watched, he turned back to see his boyfriend frowning at his antics. "oh, nono, you're awake?"

chenle stopped as he muttered out, "now i have to third-wheel, ugh..."

sighing and mentally facepalming at the two, jeno decided to ask him the obvious. "when did you wake up though? i thought you were taking care of-"

"shut the fuck up! can't you see..." jaemin trailed off as he beckoned to his phone, where a confused chenle was shown in the screen. immediately understanding the clues, jeno apologized. "oh fuck, i didn't realize! sorry, nana..."

jaemin scoffed at jeno as he went back to talking to the apparently confused third-wheel, who was frowning as he felt something suspicious going on. "what was that, hoe? you hiding something from me....?"

"uh, o-of course not! nono was just...uh, talking about yang squared's boyfriends' pet dog, bella! we wanted to keep that as a surprise...for a bit, that's all!" jaemin stuttered out a comically stupid lie that he has to confront yangyang about. "anyways, what about-"

"what's...happening in here...?"

jisung's raspy voice cut him off. jeno immediately turned to the side to see the younger who just woke up, his expression still showing some residual sleep. sensing his boyfriend's horror, he shut the maknae's mouth, feverishly whispering him to keep quiet.

"that's definitely not a beagle's noise," chenle cried out as he scrunched his eyebrows. "who are you keeping hostage, nana? i swear, i'll-"

"bella just woke up, so i'll call you later!" jaemin rapped the last part as he interrupted his threat, and before chenle could answer, he hung up the call and turned back to jisung, his expression screaming anger. "i swear to doyoung-hyung, you both had to wake up at this timing?!

jeno cowered at his seething screams while jisung stood stationary, his expression as lifeless as it could be. after jaemin's mini-rant, jisung sighed as he started to speak. "it's not like i knew you were facetiming or some shit. there's no need to get pissed off at me or jeno-hyung."

jaemin let out a frustrated sigh as his lips straightened into a line, still frowning at the two for their antics. "at least be glad that your ex didn't recognize you. god, now i have to ask yang squared for bella..."

"uh, nana...? it's almost time for class..." jeno broke the awkward ice figuratively crystallizing around the three, manifesting a painful smile as he did. jaemin jolted himself out of the couch as he took his bag, muttering about his next batch of coffee in the process. "let's go, nono, i almost got into trouble for being late yesterday..."

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