Chapter 2 12 hours earlier

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"Hey, you, time to wake up" Adam whispered into Kim's ear as she slept, the faintest of smiles slowly forming on her lips as he kissed his way down her neck and to her shoulder.
She rolled over facing him pulling herself from his embrace causing him to groan, "Babe , you know we can't be late again, and this what you are trying to do will make us late, for sure" she laughed as he tried his best to dissuade her, finally getting up and heading off to get ready to start the day.
Adam watched her go in to the bathroom, he smiled to himself, he was happy really truly happy.
Funny how life works out, he hadn't been in Chicago Police Academy three weeks when Detective Alvin Olinsky had him pulled and placed in the Intelligence Unit. This unit was the best of the best, he was thrilled. Wendy his fiancée wouldn't be, so he made up some lame cover story about the department getting new computers and that he had to help transfer files. This brought another smile to his face, remembering how quickly she believed it. Looking back on it now, he realized she was happy that he was behind a desk, and safe. She didn't want him to be a cop, basically told him that on a daily basis, begging him to work for her father's law firm. They had arguments almost daily, her ending up crying and him drinking himself into oblivion.
Not long after joining Intelligence, he was in a pretty heated shoot out, taking a bullet to the chest, thankfully his vest doing its job. It opened his eyes, he knew that he and Wendy would never work it wasn't fair to her and he deserved better, they both did.
He was woken from his thought by Kim calling his name.
"Adam, why don't you join me, you know conserve water..." Kim joked already knowing how Adam would respond.
"Yes, hell yes" he said joining her.
Within the hour they pulled up in front of the 21st District, they quickly separated walking in to the building as if they weren't together, still hiding their relationship from their co-workers with only Kim's partner Sean Roman and Adam's partner Alvin Olinsky knowing and both having been sworn to secrecy.
"Good morning Sarge" Adam said as he walked passed the desk servant.
"What's so good about, pretty boy?" Sgt.Platt asked in her usual gruff tone.
"Everything!" He replied as he started to head up the stairs to the "bullpen" where IU was housed, not before he winked at Kim, causing her to blush, which did not go unnoticed by Platt.
"Burgess, Roman" Platt said greeting them both, it was obvious Kim wasn't aware that Roman had joined them both. "You two have won the prize of patrolling the south side, don't thank me"
The pair felt deflated another chump patrol, what had they done to piss this lady off, they would never know.
They headed out to their patrol car, with Roman claiming the drivers seat, which was fine with Burgess.
Small talk filled the patrol car, with Roman asking how,things had been going with Ruzek only to regret it as Burgess could talk about that man all day.
"Uncle, uncle, I give please stop.." Sean joked with Kim as she gushed about the man in her life. "Nah, I'm kidding Burgess, I'm happy you're happy, but feel free to spare me the details".
"I'm happy, Sean, happier than I ever thought I could be" Kim stated thinking back on how after her last failed relationship she was totally ready to get a puppy and give up on men all together, that is until one Adam Ruzek carelessly bumped into her on his way out of the 21st. She smiled at the memory.
"Oh shit, did you see that Burgess?" Roman asked hoping she would confirm that he did in fact see what he did.
"Yea, I did, let's follow them!"
"Call it in first," he said as he quickly made a left turn following the black sedan.
"21-14 to dispatch we are in pursuit of a black sedan, plate CX7F28, requesting back up"
"10-4, 21-14 back up en route"
"Roman, look out...." Burgess yelled just before an SUV hit the patrol car slamming in the passenger side. Both officers hitting their heads and blacking out.

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