Chapter 22

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Adam looked everywhere he knew Vito hung out coming up empty, glancing at his watch he realized he had been searching for hours.
"Up there, see him" Dawson pointed to Halstead when they spotted Ruzek's car parked on the corner, they pulled a few spots away and walked up to his car.
Halstead tapping his knuckles on the window, Adam looked up and rolled the window down.
"What Jay?" Adam asked the annoyance evident in his voice.
"You tell me Ruzek, all I know is Kim is at the district terrified you are gonna do something to DiMuccio" Jay told him, though he really couldn't blame the guy, if the situation was reversed and Erin was in Kim's position he would do the same thing.
Adam hung his head, "is she okay?" concern overriding his anger.
"She will be once you go home" Dawson told him.
"We'll get DiMuccio, but let's not lose you in the process, Adam" Jay told him, they've become good friends, it helped that they had similar situations, both hiding their respective relationships at one point, Erin and Kim also becoming close.
Adam agreed and they headed back to the 21.
"Kim, try not to worry, the guys will find him" at least that was Erin was hoping, she knew from experience that Ruzek was know to fly off the handle, not thinking before he acted. When Ruzek first joined Intelligence he almost blew a case or two, Voight coming down on him, hard. Thankfully, they all saw the potential within him and with Olinsky's guidance he reigned it in, until now.
"I know, but he's been off since Voight told him that DiMuccio was released, he barely looks me in the eye, occasionally he will touch me, this morning was the first time he kissed me and I mean really kissed me in days" she blushed telling Erin "forget about sex we haven't been together since the morning this nightmare started" Kim couldn't believe she was telling Erin this but she needed to tell someone.
"You've been through a lot, you both have" Erin started "when you were missing, Adam was a total mess" she explained "he wouldn't eat, wouldn't even think about sleeping and he was angry" Erin said has she reached for the phone that was ringing "Lindsey" she answered.
"We got him." Halstead told her "headed back to 21, now let Burgess know, he's ok" he finished before hanging up.
Kim waited to hear if the call was about Adam, she was nervous afraid of what Erin would tell her.
Erin caught the apprehension on her friend's face and quickly put her to ease hanging up she told her "they have Ruzek, he's fine, he didn't do anything and they are headed here."
Kim exhaled relieved.
"You two need to talk, Kim, it's obvious neither one of you are being honest with each other" Erin told her, wondering if Kim was holding back something from her as well as Adam.

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