Chapter 26

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Bob Ruzek never liked the thought of Adam working with Voight, and when his phone rang in the early hours of the morning he swore his heart stopped.
"Hey, Ruzek, it's Voight" Hank started "listen, while Adam and his girlfriend had been sleeping their house was broken in to".
"Is he okay?" The elder Ruzek interrupted Voight.
"He is ok, they both are, though Adam was shot but, he's ok" Voight tried explaining but it falling on deaf ears.
"Where is he, what hospital?" The panic evident in his voice.
"Chicago Med" Hank told him, hoping that he would be gone before Adam's father arrived, they didn't like each other at all.
"Tell him, I'm on my way"
"Will do Bob, no need to rus-" Hank started to say only to be met with a click Bob having hung up.
"You're welcome" he said to the air as he put his phone in his pocket.

Kim carefully removed herself from Adam's side, he was out cold but she couldn't sleep any more and needed to stretch, she loved being next to him, but damn the bed was small.
As she stood, she repositioned his blankets, and gently kissed his forehead she was thankful he would be okay. Try as she might, she could not erase the image of him covered in blood from her mind.
Suddenly, at the door appeared an older version of Adam, a look of panic in his eyes. Kim hadn't yet met Adam's father but she would bet her pension that the man in front of her was his father.
"Mr.Ruzek," she said offering her hand.
"Is he ok?" He asked her, still not trusting Voight.
"Yes, he lost a good bit of blood, and his appendix. It could have been much worse, we are lucky, I'm Kim by the way" she said almost blushing, hating that this was how they met.
"I've heard so much about you" he hugged her " my Adam loves you" he told her. It was obvious from the first time Adam spoke of Kim he was happier than he'd ever been. For that he could never repay Kim.
"Kim" a groggy Adam said sounding alarmed "Kim" he called again this time his tone filled with worry.
"I'm here, babe, you need something" she asked rushing to his side.
"I was just worried," he said his eyes meeting hers and seeing his father behind her "dad, you look like hell".
"You would too, if you got a phone call at three in the morning telling you your boy had been shot" he said
"I'm sorry pops" Adam replied "I'm good though, just a flesh wound, nothing I can't handle"
"Flesh wound, it was a bit more than that Adam" Kim replied.
"The perp, they get him?" Bob asked.
At the mention of DiMuccio, Kim's gaze drifted from Adam to the floor, Adam seeing this and taking her hand in his.
"My lady, saved my life Pops, she took him down" Adam explained "did it in one shot too"
"Well I guess I should thank you" Bob said hugging her again "that boy there" pointing to Adam "means the world to me" tears spring to his eyes "I can't imagine losing him"
"Sir, you don't need to thank me, he's my everything" Kim said smiling at Adam.

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