Chapter 31

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Kim was anxiously awaiting for Adam to arrive at the doctor's office, she knew he would show up but he was cutting it close.
Thumbing absentmindedly though a magazine, she felt his presence behind her and immediately she was put at ease.
He had just sat down, when the nurse called Kim back, "Kim Burgess?" The nurse called her, noticed Adam holding her hand "your husband is welcome to join you"the nurse said.

Kim felt her cheeks turn crimson, she knew it wasn't a big deal that her and Adam weren't married, but she always thought marriage would come before children. Her reaction didn't go unnoticed by Adam.

They both stood and followed the nurse to the exam room, where the nurse took Kim's vitals and a brief medical history. "Everything looks good, Dr.Hamonic will be in shortly" Kim thanked the nurse as she left.

"You know, Kim, it's okay that we aren't married you know, it's not the 1950s" Adam joked, he had already selected the engagement ring and nearly paid it off before they found out Kim was pregnant. Just now, he didn't want her to think he was only asking because she was pregnant. He was reconsidering waiting now, after seeing Kim's reaction to the nurse's assumption he was her husband.

"I know, it's not a big deal really, just caught me off guard a bit" Kim explained.

With that Dr.Hamonic walked in "Hi Kim, I'm Dr.Hamonic" he said.

Kim shook his hand and introduced Adam "this is My boyfriend Adam Ruzek" Adam stood shaking the doctor's hand.

The doctor did his examination came up with a due date of approximately November 1st, "would you like to hear your baby's heartbeat?" he asked them.

Adam became giddy at the mention of it, "no way? You can do that?" He asked, not having any experience with pregnancies it was all new to him.

"Sure can" the doctor replied as he placed the needed instrument on Kim's stomach and turned the volume up.

The sound of the tiny heartbeat brought tears to Adam's eyes, Kim noticed it and she wasn't sure what was making her cry, was it hearing her baby's heartbeat for the first time or watching Adam hear their baby's heartbeat for the first time.

"I can make a recording of it, if you'd like" the doctor told them to which Adam quickly took him up on.

After the appointment Adam headed back to work and Kim home as she had taken the day off.

Upon his arrival at the 21 he saw Platt, who had missed the morning's announcement as she had already gone back downstairs. "Hey Sarge, you want to hear the coolest thing ever?" Adam asked her, they both like to push each other's buttons but he liked Trudy Platt and he knew she would be excited for them.
"Oh, I can only imagine" she said sarcastically, Adam pulled out his phone and pressed play, as the sound of the heartbeat played he could see Trudy's expression shift, "Ruzek, is that what I think it is, did you knock Burgess up?" she asked.

"Why, yes, I did" he replied smiling, "a little Ruzek, what more could anyone want"

"Congratulations Adam, I'm happy for you both" she told him "maybe you should consider putting a ring on it, if you know what I mean" she winked at him.

"Ring is almost paid off Sarge, started before I even knew a mini-Ruzek was coming, he's coming in November by the way"

"He? Watch it Ruzek, it may be a she" she kidded.

"Uh, it's a boy, besides if its a girl, she won't leave the house until she's thirty!" He told her as he went upstairs.

The rest of the day passed with a few minor cases, nothing major and by the end of the shift, it was safe to say the entire unit was tired of hearing Baby Ruzek's heartbeat.

Kim was getting ready to make dinner when Adam came home, which he quickly decided they would order in Chinese that Kim needed to rest.
"Babe, we need to have your dad over so we can tell him the news before he finds out through the CPD grapevine, if he hasn't already" Kim said as Adam put his weapon away.
"I will call him in a little bit and tell him, you tell your folks yet? He asked.
"I did they are really excited, they are hoping to come out in the next few months to meet you" Kim explained

"You tell Roman yet?" Adam asked, he wanted to make sure Roman knew. He wasn't crazy about her being on patrol pregnant but he didn't want to say anything, and he hoped if Roman knew he would make sure Kim didn't take any unnecessary risks.

"Well, I haven't yet, but I'm fairly certain he suspects it as he mentioned it when I thought I had a stomach bug." She explained "he's the reason I bought the test"

"That's funny O said something similar when I told him you went home sick, said his wife had the same bug and the Lexi came 9 months later" he laughed thinking of how he reacted when O told him.

Adam's phone rang, it was his dad.

"Pops!" Adam answered "before you say anything, I have a serious question" Adam told him, Kim smiling as she watched him talk with his dad. "What do you prefer Grandpa or Poppy?"
Obliviously Kim couldn't hear exactly what was said but she could hear the elder Ruzek hooting and hollering as Adam pulled the phone from his earl

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