Chapter 11

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Once the ambulance arrived at Chicago Med, Adam was sent to the waiting room with the promise of an update as soon as possible. He found his way to the waiting room and sat in one of the uncomfortable chairs, finally feeling some relief but exhausted and still terrified. He was staring off into space, unaware that the rest of the unit had now joined him and Sgt.Platt sat in a chair beside him her hand on his leg. It shocked him and brought him out of his haze.
"Hey Sarge, about earlier, I'm sorry I lost...." Adam started but Platt cut him off throwing her hand in the air "Nonsense special sauce, no apology needed" she told him, for the first time in hours he let out a laugh at her use of one of his many nicknames she bestowed upon him.
After a few hours a doctor finally emerged, Adam's throat tightened and the familiar pit in his stomach returned, he gave up on trying to read the doctor's face and slowly stood up as he approached. The rest of the unit slowly came up behind Adam anxious to hear an update.
His face was unreadable, "Officer Ruzek?"
"That's me" Adam said holding his hand out for the doctor to shake. "How is she? She's going to be ok, right?" Adam felt bad peppering the doctor with questions but he needed to know.
"First things first, she is on her way to emergency surgery, her liver has a significant laceration and she's lost a lot of blood, also she has a few minor facial fractures which should heal on their own without surgical intervention which is good. She also has a concussion but I don't see that causing any issues other than a killer headache for a few days" the doctor finished.
Adam felt like he had been kicked in the gut, he wanted to ask more questions but he couldn't, slowly he sat back in the chair. At this point Voight stepped in.
"What's the prognosis doctor?" Adam was thankful that Voight asked the question he couldn't bring himself to ask.
"I'm cautiously optimistic, she has a long road ahead not only physically but mentally as well. Someone for the surgical team will update you soon"The doctor told them before turning on his heels and walking down the corridor.

Authors Note:
Please leave feedback, this story has come together fairly quickly, I still have more to tell but would love to hear of you are enjoying it! Thanks for reading.

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