Chapter 3

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"Shit, shit, shit!" Vito repeated over and over, he was a dead man. He couldn't believe the cops followed him, he did what he had to do,right? If the cops kept following the lead car they would be up shits creek without a paddle for sure.
Once he had the SUV plow into that damn patrol car he knew he needed to get rid of the cops, that bitch just had to fight back didn't she.
Lucky for him, he never left home without his trusty Louisville slugger, and he would never pass up a little batting practice, even if he used her stomach as the ball.
The lady cop had way more fight than her partner, he only needed an elbow to the back of the head.
Now, to figure out what to do with the patrol car, what was left of it anyway. It took a pretty nasty hit on the passenger side, I took Vito and his dumbass cousins to push the car in the alley. Vito knew they didn't have much time so they dumped the two cops in a warehouse that had been condemned about a month or so ago. He knew he should dump them somewhere else but he really needed a fix and soon, he hoped it wouldn't come back and bite him in the ass.
He slammed the door on his way out flicking the cigarette that he had in his hand on the pavement near the door. He laughed to him self thinking his father would be pleased with the he handle things, he did wish he could go a few more rounds with that bitch and he wouldn't rule it out all together but for now he left, whistling a happy little tune.

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