Chapter 38

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The call came in as a woman in her mid 50s, unconscious it was a neighbor who had found her. When the ambulance arrived, it was determined the woman was DOA, and this was the fifth similar scene in eight weeks.
"Alright, we have another vic, she was DOA, but she fits the description of the previous victims." Hank told the unit as they assembled in the bullpen.
"An id on the victim?" Olinsky asked.
"Not yet, but I want to you and Ruzek to head to the scene, I will text you the address" Voight told them.
"Let's go Daddy" Olinsky said to Adam.
"You know, O, you can stop calling me that, it's a little weird you know" Adam replied "like really weird O, you're like old enough to be my dad" He quipped.
"Alright, kid, point taken and that was a low blow" they both laughed as they headed out.
"Ruzek!" Platt yelled as she saw the two on their way out "come here, now" she demanded.
"I will wait in the car, you have fun with that" Olinsky said pointing at Platt.

"Thanks a lot Al," Adam said as he made his way to the desk "yes, what can I do for you Sarge?" He asked.

"You?" She laughed "you can't do anything for me Ruzek, I just want an update on my sweet little Adam"

"He's doing great Sarge, just cut his first tooth, he's the best" Adam smiled his face lighting up as he spoke of his little boy, thankful Kim took an extended time off. He wasn't ready for them both to be on the job, and Adam in daycare. "I will text you the picture Kim sent me earlier, it's adorable" he told her quickly sending the text.

"One more thing Ruzek, you tell anyone about this conversation, I will deny every word of it, understood?" She asked.

"Understood" he said winking at her and heading to the car.

"Took you long enough kid" Olinsky said as Adam climbed in the passenger seat.

"Just drive Al" Adam joked.

They pulled up in front of the run down house, it was it in really bad repair, guys from forensics still going through the house.
As they stepped inside, they exchanged pleasantries with those working, the victim's back to them, as they got closer and finally faced the victim Olinsky noticed Adam was frozen in place, his face white as a sheet.

"Ruzek, you going soft on me, you look like you're about to lose your lunch, kid" Olinsky questioned him, this wasn't like Adam.
Olinsky's question remained unanswered and he became concerned, and called "Adam, what is it?"
"Al, I think," he stammered "I think, I'm not sure, I haven't seen her since I was about 11 but, I think that's my mother" Adam said his voice barely audible "I gotta get outta here, I can't Al, I can't" and with that Adam walked out of the house and sat in the car.
Al pulled his phone out and called Voight requesting he come to the scene, not giving Voight any details.
Voight and Halstead pulled up to the scene, both noticing Ruzek sitting in the car, "what's that about?" Halstead asked Voight.
"Not sure" Voight answered.

"Hey Al, you wanna tell me why Ruzek is sitting in the car, looks like the kid has seen a ghost" Hank said slightly annoyed but was waiting to hear what Al had to say.
" The Vic, Ruzek thinks it's his mother" Olinsky explained.
"What do you mean he thinks, how does he not know his own mother" Halstead asked.
"He hasn't seen her since he was 11" Olinsky explained, shocked that Adam had never mentioned it and it explained why his mother wasn't around when little Adam was born or the wedding.
"Nothing on her person? No identification?" Hank asked
"Nothing, forensics swabbed her and put a rush on it, plus her prints, hoping to get that back soon" Olinsky shared with them
"Did you light a fire under their asses, let 'em know the victim could be family of CPD" Hank asked, though knowing Olinsky and the relationship he had with Ruzek he did all of that already.
"Halstead, go,see if Ruzek will talk to you" Hank asked " see if he's ok,ask if he wants us to call anyone" Hank finished.
"On it boss" Halstead said as he hurried outside.

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