Chapter 54

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The intelligence unit, was sitting around it was just after seven in the morning, and still awaiting word on Adam.

"O, you haven't heard anything?" Jay asked as he sipped his coffee.

"Nothing, Kim will call as soon as something changes" he explained as he sorted though the files on his desk.

Platt came running up the steps "I just got off the phone with Disco Bob" she started pausing when she saw the confusion on the faces of those in intelligence "Bob Ruzek, anyway, Adam woke up in the early hours of the morning, he's alert and talking, he's weak but the doctors say he looks good"

The announcement was met with celebration as they hugged each other, all relieved.

"Kim," Adam asked slowly still struggling to talk, he was so tired already but the last thing he wanted to do was go back to sleep "" He asked again.

"Adam, I'm fine, actually I'm great" she told him, thinking back she couldn't tell you the last time she ate anything substantial, sure a bite or two of breakfast, maybe a few bites at dinner each day but that was it. "Don't worry about me, how are you, you look sleepy" she noticed his eyes looked heavy.

"Head....hurts.....tired" he told her, though he was trying his hardest to stay awake ""

"My parents took him out for breakfast, I think they wanted us to have some alone time, but Adam, if you're tired, go to sleep" she said, "I could sleep too" she hadn't slept much the last eight days.

"" Adam said as he shifted in the bed, wincing in pain as he moved, he saw her flinch, "okay.....sore"

Kim laid down beside him, her eyes heavy, before she knew it she was out cold, Adam fell asleep shortly after her.

It was about two hours later and Adam woke up, Kim still asleep beside him. He watched her sleep, grateful he survived.

"Knock, knock" Al said as he stood in the doorway, he noticed Kim asleep "sorry, can I come in?" He lowered his voice.

Adam nodded.

"Good to see you awake, kid, you scared us" Al said patting Adam's cheek.

"Sorry....what.....went...wrong?" Adam asked.

"Someone tipped them off, we walked into a trap, kid, you, you" he paused trying to keep from crying "you saved my life, you broke my arm, but saved me, thank you" he joked "Meredith, wants to have you guys over once you are sprung from here"

"Sounds.......good" he replied, he felt Kim move as she woke up.

"Al, hey" she said as she sat up, glancing at Adam "your head it hurts?" She asked she could see it on his face.

"Fine" he said, though, his head was killing him.

"Listen, I'm going to let you get some rest, I will check in later" Al said as he left.

"" He asked as she pushed the call button.

"Your head is hurting, a lot, I can tell I'm getting the doctor" she said

"The headaches are to be expected"'Dr.Moore said as he finished his examination, "you're a lucky man, Adam, just take it easy, try and sleep" he finished.

"Slept...for..a...week" he said "tired...of..sleeping" he smiled.

"I know Adam, but you need to" Dr.Moore said "do it for her" he said pointing at Kim. "She's been here all day every day from day one, do it for her"

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