Chapter 12

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Roman finally agreed to be seen at the hospital once Kim had been found, he was pretty lucky considering the events of the day. Diagnosed with a concussion and two broken ribs, he slowly made his way to join the others in the waiting room. He was a bit uneasy unsure if he would be welcomed by Ruzek, he understood the man's anger but it wasn't his fault and he wanted to be there for Kim.
Ruzek be damned he would wait in the waiting room, to make sure his partner, and more importantly his friend was going to be ok. Out of respect for Ruzek, Sean found a seat in a back corner and sat quietly.
Adam needed air, actually he needed to see Kim but that wasn't possible so he settled on stepping outside into the Chicago cold, as he neared the door he caught sight of Sean Roman huddled in the corner.
Adam knew he had been a dick earlier in the day, he was going to blame it on his fear. He had never been so scared in his life and he took it out on Roman, and that wasn't fair. Kim always spoke highly of her partner after the first few shifts they had together, Kim respected the guy and Adam owed him the same respect.
Deciding against going outside and instead talking to Sean, he owed him an apology.
"Sean, you got a minute" Adam asked him.
"Listen Adam, I'm sorry" Sean started to say, Adam quickly talking over him.
."Nah,man I'm the one who should be sorry, you didn't deserve me going off on you like that, I was just scared, scared beyond words. I know you did all you could" Adam finished offering his hand to Sean. "I owe you a beer, once you and Kim are feeling better"
Sean accepted the apology and the two parted ways. Adam heading outside after all needing to feel the cold crisp air. Kim had been in surgery for three hours without any updates, it was starting to worry Adam.
He thought back on how wonderful their morning had been, never for moment thinking this is how the day would end. Yet, another set of tears escaping his eyes, for a self proclaimed tough guy he was crying a lot. Wiping his eyes he headed back inside hoping that he would hear something soon.
Platt showed up with coffee and donuts for those in the waiting room, Adam tried turning it down only to be told he needed to eat something, begrudgingly he took a donut and coffee. As soon as he ate it he realized they had been right, he was in fact starving. The stress of the day hiding his hunger, he headed toward the cafeteria for something more substantial when he heard his name.
"Yes, Doc, how is she?" The words flying out of his mouth.
"In recovery as we speak, surgery went well, no complications. she did receive 2 units of blood, which a fellow officer donated. We will keep her a few days, but within eight to ten weeks she can be back on modified duty."
Adam released a breath he hadn't known he was holding "When can I see her,doc?" He asked hopeful it would be soon.
"Within the hour, a nurse will come get you when she is ready" Adam surprised the doctor and himself when he pulled the man in for a hug.

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