Chapter 44

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It had been a few days since Adam found out DiMuccio was sniffing around his family, he didn't have the heart to tell Kim. They had been through a lot the last year,and he was hopeful nothing would come of the threat.

"Hey darlin' I'm headed to gym and then work" he called out "see you little man, daddy loves you" he said placing a kiss on the little boy's head.

Kim came out from the kitchen "did you really think I would let you leave without kissing me first?" She teased kissing him "have a great day, my mom is coming over in a little while to sit with the baby while I go to the gym, you want to meet for lunch?" She asked.

"Sounds great" he replied heading out the door.

9:40 am

"Mom, hey, do you mind if I grab lunch with Adam today?" She asked as her mom set her purse on the table and picked Adam James up.

"No, of course not, just means I get this little guy all to myself, we are going to go the park, he loves the swings.

"I have my cell if you need anything at all" Kim said as she left for the gym.

"Mike, Joey, today's the day, do what you need to do" Angelo DiMuccio told them "be careful, I would prefer if there are no witnesses" he said before he hung up.

"You ready to roll?" Joey asked Mike "I say we try and grab the kid before they go to the park" he said "right on time, looks like mom is headed to the gym" he said as they watched Kim's silver sedan drive past them.

Joey and Mike pulled up the apartment, did a quick search they knew that they had an hour before the next unmarked car would check on the house. Quickly Mike cut the landline and joined Joey at the door.
With one swift motion they had it kicked in, and both in the living room the baby sitting on a blanket playing with a ball. Grandma rounding the corner, before she could even react Mike hit her in the face with his forearm knocking her out before she hit the ground.
"Grab the brat and let's go!" Joey yelled to Mike who,did as he was told and scooped Adam up in his arms, the baby screaming the entire time.
They sped off, the baby still crying "you need to shut him up Mike" Joe said as he drove towards Angelo's house.


The unmarked car did its patrol, "oh shit, look at the door, it's busted" the officer said as he threw the car in park and ran out "you better call it in, Stephens we have an elderly victim" Officer Malone said " the kid where's the kid?"

"Son of a bitch, no sign of the kid anywhere" Stephens said as he checked each room.

Bob Ruzek was on patrol when he heard the call over the radio "that's my son's place, floor it" he said to his partner.

"Son of a bitch" Hank yelled, "everyone suit up and head to Ruzek's house, Kim's mom was knocked out and no sign of the baby" he was furious.

"Where's Ruzek?" Linsdey asked.

"The Ivory tower, he needed some training" Halstead said "Erin and I will go get him, where's Kim?"

Platt came running up the steps, "tell me Hank, that what I heard isn't true" she said her heart in her throat.

"It is Trudy, but we will get him back" Hank said.


Kim rounded the corner and immediately became terrified when she saw all the blue lights and her father in law standing in the front yard.

"Bob, what is is, where's my mom, is she okay" she said as she tried to run in the house, Bob stopping her.

"Sweetie where is Adam?" He asked a lump forming in his throat at the thought of his little grandson being missing.

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