Chapter 53

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The board room at Chicago Med was filled, it had been a week since the explosion, only a few patients from the explosion remained in their care.

The head of neurology Dr. Moore stood up, bringing Adam's case file to the podium "next case is Adam Ruzek, he has a tbi and in a medically induced coma, the ICP has decreased some, I would like to discuss bringing him out of the coma, and see his response" he waited briefly for an opposing view "safe to say we all agree?"

The others in the room nodded their heads in agreement.

"Excuse me, Mrs.Ruzek," Dr.Moore said as he entered the room "can we talk outside for a minute" Adam's room filled with visitors.

"Of course" Kim replied .

"We met this morning to discuss your husband's progress and we feel it's time to bring him out of the coma, and see what we are dealing with" he paused "I want to remind you that with his type of brain injury we won't know the full extent of the injuries until he wakes up." he reminded her, as he saw a look of joy flash across her face, he knew it was going to be an uphill battle and he wanted her to remember that.

"I understand" she told him trying as hard as she could to not get overly excited, both Will and her dad had told her that his recovery wasn't going to be easy. "When will you do it?" She asked.

"Now, I'm going to ask everyone to wait outside, including you while we administer the medications needed, it won't take long and you can come back in shortly, but his other visitors will need to leave" he said unsure of exactly how long it would take Adam to wake up, but he didn't want him overwhelmed.

"Alright, I will tell everyone"

Kim went back in the room, she was barely holding it together and those in attendance noticed it.

"Kim, you ok, is it Adam?" Alvin asked.

"I'm ok, it's just the doctors are going to bring Adam out of the coma, and they asked that we leave the room and that he won't be able to have visitors for a little bit" she said trying to maintain some level of composure.

"Ok, outside everyone, let's go" Hank said as he stood ushering the group into the hallway, though not leaving, they all just leaned against the wall silently.

Kim paced the hallway as the doctors examined Adam and administered the medications, it felt like hours but was really about a half hour, Dr.Moore called Kim back in the room.

"I don't know when he will wake up, but as you can see we have removed the breathing tube, he may wake up within the hour or it could take longer, we never really know" he said as Kim sat beside the bed. "Talk to him, let him know you are here, and use the call button if he shows signs of waking up, the nurses will check on him every thirty minutes" he paused and spoke again "be patient with him when he wakes up, he's going to need it"

She took his hand, squeezing it "alright Adam Ruzek, I think it's time you wake up, I've missed your voice, your eyes, come on it's time Adam, you've slept long enough"

Kim watched his face as she spoke, he didn't react, she could fear tears welling up in her eyes "please Adam, please we miss you, Adam misses his daddy" she looked over shoulder and into the hallway seeing the group who stood outside his room "besides, the nurses are getting fed up with your entourage outside and they won't leave until you wake up" she said caressing his cheek, the bruises and swelling barely noticeable. She stood up and placed a kiss on his lips, as she sat back down she started to cry.

"I know Dr.Moore said it would take time Adam, but it's been a week since I've heard your voice, a week Adam, I can't handle much longer" she said "Adam James misses you, mom says he keeps looking all over the house for you" she hadn't been home at all, her parents bringing her clothes and she showered in the bathroom at the hospital "your dad's been here every day, he's a wreck, they forced him to take furlough" she felt like she was yelling at him, but damn it she needed him to wake up.

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