Chapter 17

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Three months had passed and Kim was well on the road to recovery, she was on desk duty still but she was happy to be working on some level.

Her recovery went well as far as her physical injuries, but she had been plagued by nightmares and panic attacks, finally breaking down and telling Adam about her time with Vito DiMuccio.

He handled it well, saying all the right things, but the anger radiated off him, and she was thankful that DiMuccio was in jail. She knew if Adam had the chance he would do something stupid, and risk his career and his life for that matter. With each passing day the nightmares lessened and the panic attacks came fewer and further apart, Adam having a lot to do with it.

Voight opened his office door "Ruzek, in my office, now!" He yelled, Adam's head jerked up, trying to remember if he had done anything that would have pissed the man off, he drew a blank.
"What you do now,Ruzek?" Halstead joked, which resulted in Ruzek punching him in the arm. "Ouch, man, that hurt"
"It was supposed to jackass" Adam joked as he headed into the office closing the door behind him.
"What's up Sarge?" Adam asked.
"You better sit down" Voight told him pointing to the chair in front of his desk, "listen, no way to say this other than to just say it, they released DiMuccio"
"They what?" Adam asked incredulously, getting out of the chair and kicking it "how, why?" He said placing his palms on the desk hanging his head. "So, he kidnaps two cops, sexually assaults and nearly kills one and he gets out in three fucking months" slamming his hands down again.
The others now looking at the closed door able to hear every word Adam is saying, knowing the man wasn't very happy at the moment.
"Boss, can I get duck out now, I got to tell Kim" Adam asked already dreading the conversation with Kim. It sucked she had just stopped having the nightmares and he couldn't remember her last panic attack.
"Yea, take the rest of the day kid, tell Burgess we are all thinking about her" Voight told him as he headed out of the office.
Adam muttered under his breath as he grabbed his things, and headed down the stairs.
"Well, he looks pissed" Halstead pointed out.
"Ya think?" Lindsey said sarcastically, Halstead just grinned at her, they were skating on thin ice lately. It's just they couldn't resist the attraction any longer especially after what happened to Burgess. Voight may have given Ruzek and Burgess a pass, but they doubted Voight would be as accepting of their relationship.
"Alright guys, this is the deal DiMuccio has been released, seems his family has a judge or two in their pocket. As you could imagine Ruzek didn't take the news very well" Voight explained. "I would like everyone to keep an eye on Ruzek, my gut tells me he isn't going to take this lying down"

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