Chapter 8

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That damn ringing was back in his ears, but this time his whole body hurt, slowly he sat up shaking his head trying to stop the ringing. "What the hell happened this time" Roman said to himself, he brought his hand to the back of his head, wiping away some blood. He wiped his hands on his pants and screamed for Kim. His screams met with silence, where the hell was she. He stood up and started looking for her. "Dammit Kim, where are you, what the hell is going on..."
The car had barely come to stop when Adam charged out of it running towards the 3 detectives. They looked up once they heard his footsteps.
"What is it? What did you find?" Adam yelled, he didn't mean for it to be so loud but he was desperate.
"It's not much but we think one of them dropped this" Antonio told him holding the star up in an evidence bag.
Adam felt the slightest amount of relief, this sounded like something Kim would, that girl was quick on her feet. "That's my girl" he whispered to himself.
All of a sudden they heard a cry for help, their heads all whipping to the direction, of the plea.
"Roman!" Lindsey called and the group took of running, realizing that Roman wasn't in great shape. Blood was running down his face, his uniform shirt also covered in blood. They couldn't believe that Roman was even able to stand.
Adam wanted to throw up, the relief he felt over the star was now replaced with a fear stronger than anything he had every felt before.
"Kim! Where's Kim?" He screamed at Roman his voice filled with anguish.
"I don't...I don't know, I'm sorry Adam. I couldn't help her" Roman replied, feeling horrible.
"What the fuck do you mean, you don't know" Adam was furious, he tried to lunge at Roman. He wanted to finish the SOB off, how could he not protect his partner.
Both Halstead and Dawson quickly grabbed a hold of Adam trying desperately to keep him away from Roman.
Olinsky stepped in front of Adam "Adam, it's not Sean's fault. We will find her, I promise you. You need to pull it together, kid, for Kim. She needs you focused, she's counting on you."
This helped somewhat, if anything it made Adam focus, he looked over at Roman once more the hatred still visible in his eyes. It could wait though it was more important to find Kim and then he would deal with Roman.
Once the ambulance arrived the paramedics checked Sean out, but he refused to go to the hospital he needed to help find Kim, he owed her and Adam that much. He wasn't mad at Adam not in the least bit, he understood the man's anger, besides he was furious with himself anyway.
As the sun set, the tension mounted, each minute that passed they knew it would be harder to find Kim, the fear she would be dead left unspoken. Adam was barely functioning his fear was palpable, he ignored suggestions of going home. He couldn't leave and sure as hell couldn't step foot in his apartment.
From what Sean could remember they had followed a black sedan that had fired a few shots at a storefront, and within minutes of tailing the car they had been hit by a black SUV. He could remember being yanked out of the patrol car, being hit in the head and waking up in the warehouse. Sean told them Kim was with him at that point and briefly spoke saying no, stop, please. He told them how she then passed out again but he said that he begged her to talk to him even if it was about Ruzek, and that she did that she called out for Adam.
Hearing that brought a small groan from Adam, knowing Kim was scared and that she called for him and he failed her. Once that clicked with Adam he screamed and punched the wall, putting his fist through it.
"Ruzek!" Voight yelled. He knew this was hard for Adam but he couldn't go off the deep end here. "Stay in the here and now, Adam, we will get her back, you have my word"
Adam wanted to believe him he really did, but it was hard and it was scary as hell.
Sean led the group to the warehouse, Adam almost unable to step foot inside the building with a little nudge from Lindsey he made it in.
It wasn't that big of an area but it was dark,cold, and damp, blood all over the place.
Adam could feel his stomach turn, and Olinsky caught site of the change in his partner.
"Hey Ruzek, let's you and me go search outside, what do you say?" Adam shrugged his shoulders and followed O outside.
Within in a few minutes, the rest of the squad came outside. Voight holding a baseball bat in an evidence bag. "Seems our guy was sloppy, gonna see if we can pull some prints off this."
For the first time since Kim had gone missing Adam felt the smallest bit of hope.

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